Donation Scoreboard

The response to my request for donations has been very gratifying. It is great to see the comments and how many people appreciate my efforts.

So far, the top three countries donating are :

  1. Texas
  2. UK
  3. Colorado

I have also received many donations from the United States, Canada, Australia, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany. Hopefully I will hear from people in all 57 states, plus the two Obama isn’t allowed to visit


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Donation Scoreboard

  1. Richard Mallett says:

    Aw, come on, you know that was a slip, and he meant 47, with one left to go ! Have you never made a slip like that ?

    • If you like your plan you can keep your plan
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      If you like your plan you can keep your plan
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      If you like your plan you can keep your plan

    • _Jim says:

      Richard, did you like one where Obama made the slip about “My Muslim Faith” and George StepOnALlOfUs rushed in to correct it?

      (Remember: Psychopaths can NEVER be wrong! You can be wrong but they can NEVER ever never ever never ever ever ever be WRONG!)

      • Raindog says:

        To me it looked like he was saying “John McCain is accussing me of “muslim faith””

        • Raindog says:

          Although I do find it quite humerous that the interviewer corrected him

        • _Jim says:

          pls, get the transcript right, which is:

          “.. John McCain has not TALKED about my Muslin faith …[interjection by George] … he hasn’t suggested that I am a Muslim …

          You have to go a far piece convince anyone that he didn’t let the ‘mask’ slip just a little bit there, regardless of a flubbing (hearing difficulties? tiny laptop speakers maybe?) the transcription. Replaying ti back several times it looks to me like tacit admission (of the Muslim faith) by Barack, followed by a cover-up of the fact once George brought it to his conscious attention.


      • Send Al to the Pole says:

        All the while, Soebarkah spins the Sahada prayer ring on his finger…

    • philjourdan says:

      So he just sees dead people in the other 47?

    • kuhnkat says:

      Yes, Barry made a Freudian Slip!!

      “The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation has 57 member states.”

  2. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    Keep up the good work Steve. I know you will. Anything we can do to help out…

  3. Eric Barnes says:

    The 2 states he’s not allowed to visit are honesty and integrity?

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