Good Enough For Government Work

Looks like someone at GISS picked the wrong color crayon east of Argentina.

ScreenHunter_36 May. 15 17.15 ScreenHunter_35 May. 15 17.15

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Good Enough For Government Work

  1. tom0mason says:

    The ocean area south of South Africa, and south of Australia/Tazmania fare no better.

  2. Andy DC says:

    I am sure there are just tons of reliable stations in the South Atlantic Ocean southeast of Uruguay (sarc).

  3. Charles Nelson says:

    But their Mummy will stick it up on the fridge anyway.

  4. Phil Jones says:

    Why not just crayon it all red?? This has become such a game…

    Lies, distortion… What a fraud… Good catch!!

  5. Tom In Indy says:

    I’m surprised they had any red/yellow/orange left after coloring all that heat in Antarctica, LMAO.

  6. De Paus says:

    Parts of Russia, the Novaya Zemlya islands and the land south of them, parts of India and of Japan and most of Indonesia are coloured wrong, too. And like Anthony S says: all that red/yellow and orange in the south of Antarctica, where there is practically no data available. I guess if someone was to go there to check things, he would find very cold temperature anamolies. .

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