Guardian Reader Sums Up The Mendacity Of The Guardian

Something about global warming makes liberals lose control of their faculties.

What most amazes me is that properly skeptical Guardian readers rightly distrust almost everything government leaders say, yet on this one issue most seem to accept that fine measurements and precarious predictions made by scientists largely funded by government are totally trustworthy. It’s an astonishing suspension of the critical faculty.

Occasionally and more by luck that judgment, government people do tell the truth; but the general and very reliable rule is that if they move their lips, they lie. When, as here, a fine judgment is called for, the safe assumption is that the Establishment has it wrong.

To buck it is risky. One of my favorite scientists is Giordano Bruno. For his impertinence in opposing Establishment scholars of his day, he was burned to death on a stake.

06 May 2014 7:43pm

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Guardian Reader Sums Up The Mendacity Of The Guardian

  1. Dave N says:

    “What most amazes me is that properly skeptical Guardian readers rightly distrust almost everything government leaders say, yet on this one issue most seem to accept that fine measurements and precarious predictions made by scientists largely funded by government are totally trustworthy. It’s an astonishing suspension of the critical faculty.”

    I expect it’s a case of “but they’re saving the planet” syndrome. Sadly, many acquaintances (I don’t consider them friends any more if they once were) of mine are exactly the same.

    • _Jim says:

      Agree; they (the ppl, the populace, soccer moms especially it seems) buy into that ‘saving the planet’ line hook, line and proverbial sinker …

  2. Ron Van Wegen says:

    “For his impertinence in opposing Establishment scholars of his day, he was burned to death on a stake.”

    • Why are you lying about this? Giordano Bruno was burned naked, gagged and tied to a wooden stake at the Campo

    • Andy Oz says:

      It says he was burned at the stake in 1600 for his beliefs vs the Vatican doctrine.
      Which is the same as “opposing Establishment scholars of his day”.
      Sure he had a trial, but most people burned at the stake had a trial.

      • _Jim says:

        Which is the same as “opposing Establishment scholars of his day”.

        Guess the average layman may miss the subtle part about disagreements with ‘tenets of faith’ vs any damn thing you feel like proselytizing on in contradiction to the other WHILE ‘wearing the uniform’ …

        “Giordano Bruno died from a massive ego, intellectual pretension, a singular dishonesty, an overactive libido, and for being a miscreant priest who allowed himself to be ordained when he didn’t believe any essential truths of the faith. He’s a walking billboard for the inquisition.”

        So, if you REALLY want to endorse this guy, remember Trying to get to the root of Bruno’s beliefs is like wrestling with an eel. The scientific methods employed by a true nascent scientist like Nicholas Copernicus were processes the free-thinking Bruno loathed. More, perhaps, Bruno truly lies (double entendre) in the category of Michael Mann …

        Looks like no one really wanted him either: Now excommunicated by the Catholic Church, the Calvinists, and the Lutherans—and never once based on his alleged “scientific” beliefs—Bruno traveled to Frankfurt, where he hoped to make a living among the printers and booksellers.

  3. Perry says:

    Trust an RC to muddy the waters.

    • _Jim says:

      Who was it that resurrected him as a martyr for modern science in the late 19th century?

      Somebody ‘protesting’ something?

  4. inMAGICn says:

    Correct: nonsense.
    Read my share about Bruno. He was a jerk and a heretic (in the eyes of the inquisition.). Neither justifies burning at the stake, of course, but he was not a martyr to science a he is made out to be.

  5. QV says:

    From the responses on the Grauniad web page:

    “When I look out my window more and more often I’m seeing odd weather patterns.”


  6. philjourdan says:

    “Skeptical Guardian Readers”??? Are there any left?

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