Is NCDC Coming Back?

The NCDC web site contains all kinds of data which shows that the National Climate Assessment is fraudulent. Right after the NCA was released, the NCDC web site disappeared. It has been gone for three days.

ScreenHunter_334 May. 10 14.47

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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34 Responses to Is NCDC Coming Back?

  1. The Iconoclast says:

    Seems to be working, at least it goes to, not a redirect to

  2. Try accessing through a proxy Steve.

  3. Sundance says:

    I have been trying to access NCDC data plots to illustrate cherry picked data in NCA report for 2 days and can’t get access.

  4. _Jim says:

    It has been gone for three days.

    I thought this was demonstrated to be a DNS problem, perhaps even outside the control of NCDC …

    (I’m beginning to think my posts over the last couple of days have been routed to logical NUL)

  5. Bryan Wiley says:

    I have access to it as well in Michigan.

  6. _Jim says:




    Chopped liver here again.

    A couple of IP addresses that seem to access the NCDC.NOAA.GOV site:

    Chopped liver OUT.



  7. -=NikFromNYC=- says:

    Screen shot of working site;

  8. _Jim says:

    GEEZ PEOPLE. The protocol for TCP/IP is PUBLIC DOMAIN and there are TOOLS and PLACES on your computer that can allow one to TROUBLESHOOT this issue …

    It’s not like you have to CALL TECH SUPPORT, a few SIMPLE CHECKS can reveal what is taking place …

  9. _Jim says:

    A word to the wise –

    For windows users, entering the following two DNS server addresses as primary and secondary addresses allows unfettered access to (by name vs IP address) plus the balance of the public internet: – Google DNS (or whatever you want to use here) for public internet name resolution – govt DNS (will allow access to ncdc; will not allow access to

    With this DNS order a lookup fail on Google results in a ‘try’ on the govt DNS server. I verified this works as shown above (for me anyway.)

    I tired the govt DNS server by itself and it will not provide name resolution for general ‘public’ website names like


    • Sparks says:

      Good job _Jim! 🙂

    • Dougmanxx says:

      You might also want to clear your DNS resolver cache, especially when changing DNS servers. If you do not manually clear the cache, you may still be using the old cached DNS records which obviously are not working for some. (They do usually time out/expire but that can sometimes take as much as 24 hours depending on system setup.) You can do this on a Windows machine from the Command Prompt by typing: ipconfig /flushdns. Mac users should open a Command Prompt and type: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache And if you use Linux and don’t know how to do this: WTH!

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