It Is Limb Breaking Day

We are getting very heavy snow here in Northern Colorado. I expect that in a few hours there will be tree branches down every where.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to It Is Limb Breaking Day

  1. Gail Combs says:

    Nothing like a heavy wet spring snow on newly leafed trees followed by a windy day to do some major pruning.

    If the ground is wet and unfrozen and the root systems are shallow you can get whole trees uprooted.

    Think any of the ReProgressives will notice? Or will they just say it is due to GoreBull Worming?

  2. nigelf says:

    This would be consistent with a cooling US which your graphs show…

    • No, it’s just a reminder of just how large natural variability is. I remember it snowing once as late as May 23rd in Denver (that would be about 1977), and someone, or the newspaper, reminded everyone it can snow even in June, albeit rarely. I don’t remember a HEAVY snow this late, though, or one that didn’t melt very soon after.

  3. Psalmon says:

    Pictures of the global warming devastation please!!!

  4. gator69 says:

    Damn! I hoped this post was about Trey Gowdy’s first foray.

    • I remember playing Chemtrails back in school. “Ron Paul has broken his leg. You have 4000 pieces of ox meat.”

      • _Jim says:

        We used to shoot chemtrails for fun, for meat and for profit. They can be skinned and their pelts sold to the Europeans so they can stay warm; see, their land was de-forested before WWI as they burned all their trees for firewood before coal was available … or so I’ve been told or read on chemtrail websites …

        • Remember when Mom would spray vinegar up in the air to announce dinner? She made the best roast chemtrail. & then us kids would put on your foil hats & run outside to play “Greys and Rednecks”. Haha, my butt still hurts thinking about that.

  5. Pathway says:

    One inch of rain yesterday in the high desert of Colorado. Moab UT received 1.5″. Freeze warning tonight. If you don’t know where Moab is just think of any John Ford western.

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