With war in Europe looming, the Secretary of State says that 0.0001 mole fraction of an essential gas added to the atmosphere since 1900, is the biggest threat the world has ever faced.
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People like Kerry need the global warming fear mongering. It provides them with power and money. The EPA is their tool. The EPA is a fraudulent organisation: http://www.teaparty.org/epa-paid-nearly-500k-unauthorized-bonuses-41003/ Kerry supports the EPA, because he is a bigger fraud even himself.
Send in the clowns!
The big question about Kerry:
Is he simply a gullible ignoramus? Or is he jockeying to cash in on the “the end is coming” global warming fraud?
I suspect it’s the latter.
” Is he simply a gullible ignoramus? ”
Could be those utterly massive injections of face muscle-line relaxer injections (AKA popularly known as Botox injections but there are others*) that have turned his face (and brain?) into potato mush …
Notice how line-free his face (esp. the forehead) is compared to his face during the election of 2004?
* face muscle relaxer injections “Baclofen, diazepam, and tizanidine act on the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Dantrolene, works directly on the muscle, and cannabis extract works on the brain and spinal cord as well as the muscles. Because dantrolene only works on the muscles it is thought to have fewer side-effects compared with other muscle relaxants. For this reason, dantrolene is often the first muscle relaxant to be prescribed.”
Follow the money.
War in Europe? I’ve seen bigger bar fights. it’s just the planed political super power bullshit affecting ordinary peoples lives again, I have a rolled up news paper that would sort this nonsense out
Kerry’s incompetant handling of foreign policy is a far worse threat to humanity.
Issues in Ukraine have hit close to home for us, our son is being sent over that way soon with US counterparts in the Airborne….lets hope thing settle down.
It will settle down. Countries in Europe are no stranger of war or the threat of war.
*to war
I’ve noticed a cousin and uncle of mine have been deployed also..
Biggest fraud in history. Climate Change that is, but Kerry isn’t too far behind.
Kerry is well behind Nobel prize winner Al Gore.
Sadly the notoriety of that prestigious award has been lowered two big notches.
Kerry’s incompetence and stupidity will be shown to be “the Biggest Threat In History” , or at least, well ahead of “Global Warming”,
This is what happens when we elect morons. In fact, I would say Kerry was appointed by the Moron-In-Chief of the Moron Party. In fact, his party relies on people being morons, not thinking about issues and simply voting on an emotional basis. Their primary opposition also has their own set of problems but I believe the Democratic Party is the biggest threat this nation has ever faced in its history, not CO2.
Refloating the British empire. Kerry and Bush are Jolly Roger pirates with Bush41 knighted for his success in ripping off America and the middle eastern emirates for The City of London. Kerry is going for a knighthood also by inflicting genocide on nonwhite cultures to gain access to natural resources. All in all a simple vicious tradition being carried into the future by swine.
Head of the EPA is a cabinet post. The executive branch. In other words, sits right next to Obama at the dinner table.
Well, after USURY..
Honestly the ignorance here on global warming is astounding
Honestly, you sound like just another know-nothing useful idiot.
If CO2 is such a huge problem, perhaps a bit less of Kerry’s huffing and puffing would help his feigned problem. Hyperventilation is often resolved by breathing into a bag. The collected CO2 increases CO2 concentration to put the respiratory system back into balance. See, Al, John, and all the other blowhards?!!! CO2 has beneficial value! USE IT!
Skull and Bones piracy to float the British royals is as dependably traced as a bad hangover from drinking too much generic beer.
Howard beat me to it. Ditto.
global warming is the greatest threat to humanity not British royals