Master The Simple Things First

Obama can’t build a website, go bowling, balance a budget, tell the truth, or get along with other human beings – but he thinks he can control the weather 100 years from now.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Master The Simple Things First

  1. Gail Combs says:

    And these are the type of people who think they should rule every aspect of our lives…..

  2. ralphcramdo says:

    I thought Obama healed the planet when he was elected.

  3. Even if we could stop all industrial CO2 production and it did effect climate, the is absolutely no proof it would make anything better and not worse.

  4. gator69 says:

    “Yes He Can!”

    (Paid for by the friends of Stalin, and Scratch)

  5. Bob Knows says:

    Uh. no. Odumbo “thinks” he can scam us for another $Billion by pushing that fraud.

  6. Streetcred says:

    “Obama can’t build a website, go bowling, balance a budget, tell the truth, or get along with human beings … ”

    There, fixed it. Barry is an alien from a retarded planet.

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