May 5 Global Sea Ice Area Second Highest On Record

President Obama announces that the poles are melting down, on the day when global sea ice area reaches the second largest on record for the date.

ScreenHunter_278 May. 07

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to May 5 Global Sea Ice Area Second Highest On Record

  1. Sparks says:

    Overall Ice on ‘penguin land’ is reducing apparently! and forming more sea ice. it must be related to the time when gravity could hold so much Ice over an enormous area before it slowly slipped off and broke away.

  2. Andy DC says:

    The rebound over the past couple of years make the low sea ice years look like the outlier.

  3. Bob Knows says:

    Odumbo knows that most of “educated” (indoctrinated) Americans are true believers in whatever their directors say. And, all the media is dutifully reciting the lies. Sheep are too stupid even to look out their window.

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