Northwest Passage Was Open In 1903

Another alarmist fantasy kicks the bucket.

Arctic alarmists claim that Amundsen took three years to navigate the Northwest Passage because there was too much ice. It turns out that (like almost everything else alarmists say) is incorrect.

Amundsen said the Passage was open in 1903, but he chose to stay and do research.

 ScreenHunter_208 May. 30 21.56ScreenHunter_209 May. 30 21.57

FRANCE HONORS AMUNDSEN. – Explorer Says Northwest Passage Is Not Practicable for Trade. – View Article –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Northwest Passage Was Open In 1903

  1. A quick survey of the records a few years ago showed that the northern waters were open 75 out of the last 112 years.

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