Obama Vs. NOAA

President Obama claims that “sea level rise doubled since 1992

This is complete nonsense. NOAA shows no change in sea level rise rates, and they are one half of what Obama claims.

ScreenHunter_222 May. 05 18.24


One thing Obama never worries about is facts. He didn’t get where he is by telling the truth.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Obama Vs. NOAA

  1. tom0mason says:

    One thing Obama never worries about is facts. He didn’t get where he is by telling the truth, he just recites what’s on the teleprompter.

    He who controls the teleprompter controls POTUS.

    • _Jim says:

      ” He who controls the teleprompter controls POTUS. ”

      And that would be …. Valerie Jarrett

      (Don’t just take my word for it, do some research!)

  2. Send Al to the Pole says:

    He got where he is the same way Stiviano did. Maybe he was just better at it.

  3. Steric not different from zero. Got it. Mass 1/3 of claimed. Yep.

  4. SMS says:

    And where does Obama make corrections for aquifer depletion? Pielke Sr. estimated the ocean rise due to aquifer depletion at around 1.8 mm/yr. Doesn’t leave much for melting of the ice sheets on Greenland.

    • Interesting… So we have thermosteric + mass of 1.2 mm/yr. Of that, 1.8mm is from aquifers. That leaves -0.6mm for sea level rise rate after you take away the most obvious anthropogenic influence. I guess that would explain the increasing snow pack.

  5. spangled drongo says:

    Even dills can’t be wrong when they multiply or divide ZERO.

  6. Phil Jones says:

    The oldest tide Gage in the World shows NO SEA LEVEL RISE…. What more do we need to know??


  7. Andy Oz says:

    More weird stuff from Alarmists! Anthropocene is the new buzzword?
    While the “environment author’s” name is Gaia!!!??
    How could anyone take them seriously?

  8. As I read it Steve, their 1.6mm includes the 0.3mm GIA, so the real rise is even less.

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