Obama’s Picks

Obama’s choice of associates speaks volumes about his intelligence.

Biden, Kerry, Holdren, McCarthy, etc.

None of these people have the mental capacity to hold any kind of real job, much less be in the White House.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Obama’s Picks

  1. _Jim says:

    Any reason Valerie Jarrett was left off the list? Got something against women? /sarc

    (Valerie Jarrett is Obama’s ‘gate keeper’ and primary support in his leftist pursuits)


  2. gator69 says:

    Come on! Biden would make the ultimate used car salesman. Kerry could be remaking classic horror movies, Holdren could continue his work as a science fiction writer, and McCarthy is needed again.

    • _Jim says:

      I could see Joe Biden selling TV sets in the 50’s into the 60’s; new models and look at these features! Remote control from your easy chair, and next year color!

  3. bullright says:

    And Valerie Jarrett. Where would she be?

    • _Jim says:

      To the left of Obama’s left hand? (Inference being: She is Obama’s left-hand man -er- woman. See, he’s a lefty, no really – he’s a southpaw …)

  4. Hugh K says:

    At this point, what difference does it make?

  5. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    Kerry got a Dear John letter today.

    Maybe his next such success will be to go to the Antarctic to tell it to stop freezing so much sea water.

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