Monthly Archives: May 2014

NAACP Names Anti-Semite “Person Of The Year”

In 1991, Al Sharpton led a group of marchers in Brooklyn, who were chanting “Kill the Jews” Yesterday, the NAACP named him person of the year.

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Climate Connection Through The Ethers

The atmosphere refuses to comply with global warming theory, so climate experts have hypothesized about a mysterious connection between 0.0001 mole fraction Mann-made CO2, and imaginary deep ocean currents of warm water – which warmed without the heat being transmitted … Continue reading

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Our Most Predictable Annual Cycle

As I approach age 60, I can’t remember a single year when the government didn’t attempt to frighten the citizenry over some imaginary problem. President Johnson told us that the North Vietnamese were going to invade the US, after taking … Continue reading

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Obama Links Low Cost Energy With Undersea Currents Around Antarctica

President Barack Obama believes that he can alter undersea currents around Antarctica, by making US electricity unaffordable for poor and elderly people.

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Understanding The Government Science Death Spiral

In actual science, people throw out outliers. But in government climate science they base their entire theory around two carefully cherry picked outliers. iphone.anomaly.arctic.png (512×412)

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California Heat In Early May, 1947

Before you wrecked the climate, Indio and Brawley, CA recorded 117 and 116 degree temperatures on May 3/4 1947. Yuma, Arizona was a much milder 114 degrees.

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Four Year Old Arctic Sea Ice Area Has Tripled Since 2011

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1991 California Fire Destroyed 3,000 Homes And Killed 25 People

Before your SUV ruined the climate, a California fire destroyed one home every 11 seconds. The News – Google News Archive Search

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More Arctic Sea Ice Than In 1922

In 1922, the Arctic was rapidly melting down, and ice never formed on the north coast of Svalbard. This year there is lots of ice on the north coast of Svalbard.. N_daily_extent.png (420×500)

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Fake NASA Temperatures Being Used For Propaganda

Alarmists have been reporting that April was the “second warmest on record globally” based on fake NASA temperatures,extrapolated into regions where they have no actual data. More accurate satellite data from both providers shows nothing of the sort, and no … Continue reading

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