Monthly Archives: May 2014

Satellites Or Surface Data?

Climate scientists choose to use whatever data brings in funding. With temperature, they use UHI contaminated tampered surface data – and ignore much more accurate satellite data which shows no warming. With sea level, they use tampered satellite data – … Continue reading

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Understanding How To Make Up Fake Data For NASA

Gavin made up a fake 4-8 degree April anomaly across a region of Siberia and the Arctic where he had no data. Note the green circle. Now compare vs. the green circle in satellite data, which was actually measured. Gavin missed … Continue reading

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Midwest Obliterating All Cold Records

The US midwest has only had four years when temperatures averaged below freezing through mid-May. This year breaks the previous record by nearly a full degree.

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Understanding Consensus Science

It took nearly 70 years after Wegener proposed Continental Drift, for the consensus to accept that land can move.

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History Is Old

One of the standard progressive responses to historical newspaper articles and photographs which disprove White House claims, is that they can’t be trusted because they are “old.” By definition, history is old. There are good reasons why the White House doesn’t want … Continue reading

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No Change In California Sea Level Since 1871

The animation below compares 1871 sea level in La Jolla, California vs. a recent high tide picture.

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A Repeat Of Seventy Five Years Ago

On Tuesday’s All In, host Chris Hayes and his guests tackled a chilling and politically loaded subject: which beliefs should disqualify someone from holding public office. Among other things, the group decided that global warming “denialism,”…  should put a politician … Continue reading

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What About The Maldives Airport?

Sea level may not be affecting California, but what about the Maldives? They are so concerned about rising oceans, that they are building a new airport on the beach. exclusive_designs_for_new_airport_unveiled

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Can We Save The San Francisco Airport?

Anthony Watts reported yesterday that Jerry Brown is worried about LAX drowning, as it is only 125 feet above sea level. But what about SFO, which is only 10 feet or so above the Bay? At current rates of sea … Continue reading

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The CIMP5 Modeling Team Predicted Superstorm Sandy Nearly 50 Years Ago

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