Monthly Archives: May 2014

Coldest Year On Record In The US Through May 13

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Gavin Continues To Diverge From Reality

GISS shows April as 2nd warmest on record globally. Satellite data shows April as 11th warmest since 1979, and just above the median (red line below.) GISS is diverging from RSS at a rate much faster than the GISS claimed trend. … Continue reading

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NCDC Wins The Stanley Cup

There has been no measured US warming in April since the start of records in 1895, so NCDC makes a hockey stick of adjustments to US April temperatures. Government policy demands warming, and if the present refuses to get warmer, … Continue reading

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Arctic Doing A Repeat Of Last Year?

Last year, Arctic temperatures dropped below normal in Mid-May and stayed below normal through the summer. This ruined Reggie’s summer. It looks like we may have a repeat in the works. COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks … Continue reading

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Looking Bleak In The Arctic

Alarmists had a moment of excitement this week, when southerly winds pushed the ice out of the Bering Sea, and into the Chukchi Sea. The bad news for them is that these winds thickened the ice in the Chukchi Sea to … Continue reading

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“Primitive Peoples” Have Always Had Flood Myths

The Antarctica is melting and is going to drown us all story has been a useful tool for generating research money – for as long as scientists have known about Antarctica. 03 Jul 1929 – WORLD FLOOD

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Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste

The government climate strategy is to deep-six bad news, make up a fake story, and divert attention. No global warming for 18 years? Suddenly the heat moved to the bottom of the sea where no one could measure it. Multiple years … Continue reading

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“It’s The Corruption, Stupid”

Son of U.S. Vice President Biden Joins Ukraine Gas Company | Business | The Moscow Times

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Collapse Of The Michigan Ice Pack

During the past week, the Michigan ice pack has largely collapsed – just as the climate models predicted. “It was all thin rotten first year ice, not like the mile thick multi-year ice we used to have 20,000 years ago.” … Continue reading

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Overheard At The Retirement Home

Hansen : I thought we really had them with that hot summer in 1988 Trenberth : The El Nino in 1998 sure looked like it was CO2, didn’t it? Serreze : The  2012 Arctic minimum looked like a death spiral to me … Continue reading

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