Monthly Archives: May 2014

The Rise Of The False Prophets

“Watch out for false prophets. They come to like lambs but inwardly they are ferocious wolves” (Matthew 7:15) Now we have an entire army of progressives claiming that they can see the future. Climate Change Is About To Hit Your Pocketbook… … Continue reading

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Colorado Burning

It looks and feels like January here.

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Last Seven Months Were The Third Coldest On Record In The US

October to April temperatures were third coldest on record in the US, and coldest in 102 years.

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Would The White House Lie To You About Climate?

Geithner: White House Wanted Me to Lie on Sunday Shows Of course, Geithner would not have been the only official from the White House to have misled the American people on the Sunday talk shows. Susan Rice famously came under … Continue reading

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CSM Annexes Wyoming

I-80 doesn’t go through Colorado.

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Is NCDC Coming Back?

The NCDC web site contains all kinds of data which shows that the National Climate Assessment is fraudulent. Right after the NCA was released, the NCDC web site disappeared. It has been gone for three days.

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79% Of The US Is Below Normal Temperature Since Oct 1, 2013

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The Mooney Cult

Chris Mooney and the White House say that the US is burning up 7 Scary Facts About How Global Warming Is Scorching the United States | Mother Jones The actual US is experiencing near record cold. WaterTDeptUS.png (688×531) Before government … Continue reading

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Erasing The 100% Consensus

In 1961, there was 100% consensus that the world was cooling. SCIENTISTS AGREE WORLD IS COLDER – But Climate Experts Meeting Here Fail to Agree on Reasons for Change – View Article – Government scientists now get paid to … Continue reading

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President Obama Says That Americans Are Experiencing Unprecedented Heat

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