Monthly Archives: May 2014

John Holdren – The Perfect 10

Last week, the White House predicted 10 degrees warming in the US by 2100 – based on top line research from John Holdren. In 1997, Holdren also predicted ten degrees warming The Free Lance-Star – Google News Archive Search Since he made that … Continue reading

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Understanding Antarctica

Climate experts say that warm water is melting the freshwater ice shelves around Antarctica, causing the salt water to lose salinity, and freeze at a higher temperature. The logic is simple. The water is warm enough to melt ice shelves … Continue reading

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Another Hockey Stick

This graph shows the difference between USHCN daily and GHCN HCN daily temperature. USHCN created a hockey stick just by selectively picking US stations which show more warming.

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Bad Karma For My SUV

My SUV caused global warming. Global warming melted the Arctic, and made the missing heat sink to the bottom of the sea. This disrupted the Polar Vortex and made it cold and snowy on my SUV in the middle of May. … Continue reading

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Politics, Not Science

Earth is not warming any more. The poles are not melting. Sea level rise has not accelerated. Hurricanes are not getting worse. Tornadoes are not getting worse. Heatwaves are not getting worse. Droughts are not getting worse. Every single basis … Continue reading

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Obama’s Picks

Obama’s choice of associates speaks volumes about his intelligence. Biden, Kerry, Holdren, McCarthy, etc. None of these people have the mental capacity to hold any kind of real job, much less be in the White House.

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Can Andy Carroll Do It For Liverpool?

I doubt it.

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USHCN : It Is Worse Than It Seems

As mentioned earlier, I changed my USHCN methodology to match my GHCN methodology – averaging by month for all stations, and then averaging all months for the year. This fixed the discrepancy between my 2014 spike and Anthony’s. Nick Stokes keeps … Continue reading

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Just As Al Gore Predicted

The Arctic lost 30% of its ice overnight, headed towards Al Gore’s promised 2014 ice-free Arctic COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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Master The Simple Things First

Obama can’t build a website, go bowling, balance a budget, tell the truth, or get along with other human beings – but he thinks he can control the weather 100 years from now.

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