Monthly Archives: May 2014

Me Vs. Hansen Vs. NOAA

Nick is concerned that I show a US cooling trend since 1920, when other sources show warming. He thinks there might be something wrong with my GHCN/USHCN software. The graph below has two trends on it. Both were created with … Continue reading

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Look Who The US Is Supporting In The Ukraine


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President Tells Californians That They Can See Global Warming From Their Wal-Mart

“Here in California, you’ve seen these effects firsthand,” Obama told the audience at a Mountain View Wal-Mart. “ Obama Attacks ‘Climate Deniers’ For Debating ‘Fact’ | The Daily Caller In 1999, My kids liked to go to the Mountain View … Continue reading

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Weird Looking Death Spiral

Climate experts say the Arctic is in a “death spiral.” More rational people might say that Arctic ice area is right about where it was 10 years ago. iphone.anomaly.arctic.png (512×412)

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First Foursome Of The Year Hits The Links

The weather has warmed to -20C, and eager golfers are heading out to the links in Greenland. The course is still looking a bit rough after the winter. summit:status:webcam  

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President Obama Predicts 10 Degrees Warming By 2100

If we take no additional action, U.S. temperatures will rise 5 to 10 degrees by the end of the century. US temperatures have been declining for 90+ years, and the US is having the coldest start to the year on record. … Continue reading

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30 Trillion Flies Eat S… So It Must Be Tasty

This genius just came through Chicago’s coldest winter ever, yet believes that he is burning up – because a bunch of government “experts” say he is. If we take no additional action, U.S. temperatures will rise 5 to 10 degrees by the … Continue reading

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Vermont Blowing Away All Records For Cold

Bill McKibben is being divested by Gaia. Vermont is having its coldest year on record, by a wide margin. On this date in 1936 it was 91 degrees in Chelsea, Vermont

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Shipwrecked By The Laughter Of The Gods

Barack Obama has made his way through life BS’ing about everything. For example, twenty five years ago he was telling people that he was born in Kenya. Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’ Now he is believes … Continue reading

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Colorado Flooding

Snowpack is far above normal, the Poudre River is already up to its banks, reservoirs are full, we are expecting record May snowfall this weekend, and mountain snow melt hasn’t even started yet. Meanwhile, President Obama says we are burning up and … Continue reading

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