Monthly Archives: May 2014

Two Feet Of Global Warming Coming To Colorado This Weekend

The only thing which may save us from a complete disaster, is that the Cottonwood trees are not fully leafed out yet – due to the cold winter and spring. Warnings for Larimer County Below 6000 Feet/Northwest Weld County, Colorado … Continue reading

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Global Warming To Bury Colorado This Weekend

Five weeks from the summer solstice, Colorado gets buried in global warming. Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

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Coldest Year On Record In The US Through May 8

2014 is the first year on record when US temperatures averaged below 3ºC, from January 1 through May 8.

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Soviet Union Was Able To Survive For Many Decades

Progressives proved in the Soviet Union that a completely dysfunctional socialist utopia can survive for many decades. US progressives take comfort in this fact, as they “fundamentally transform America“

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Guardian Says Michigan Is Really Hot

Thanks to the magic of NOAA/NASA data tampering, the government can produce fully fraudulent red maps like the one below. How temperatures in America have changed – big picture | Environment | Hansen wasn’t able to find any of … Continue reading

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Before Your SUV Overheated The Atmosphere, Vikings Farmed Here

Hendriks webcam i Tasiilaq

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Melting Permafrost Causes Greenland Webcam To Sag


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Nobel Laureate Says The Arctic Will Be Ice-Free In A Few Weeks

In his 2007 Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Al Gore predicted that the Arctic will be ice free in the summer of 2014. He has about 15 weeks to make it happen. N_daily_extent.png (420×500)

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The Real Hockey Stick

Democrats win House, promise new direction POSTED: 6:05 p.m. EST, November 8, 2006 (CNN) — Democrats promised Wednesday to lead the country in a new direction after winning control of the House for the first time in 12 years in midterm … Continue reading

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Antarctic Sea Ice Anomaly Approaching The Largest Ever Recorded

The area of excess Antarctic sea ice is almost large enough to cover the entire state of Alaska. iphone.anomaly.antarctic.png (512×412)

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