Monthly Archives: May 2014

President Obama Says That 2012 Was The Hottest Year On Record In The US

Climate experts like Barack Obama say that 2012 was the hottest year in US history, because they don’t know very much about US history. Many years were much hotter than 2012.

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President Saves The Planet!

President Obama waited for a hot day at the end of June last year, to call an outdoor press conference and sweat on camera. His purpose apparently was to convince people that it never used to get hot in D.C. during … Continue reading

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Lots Of Global Warming Coming To Colorado This Weekend

President Obama says we are burning up and dying of thirst in Colorado. Gaia has different plans. Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

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I Appreciate Your Overwhelming Support

Since I added the donation button three days ago, the expressions of verbal and financial support I have received have been tremendous. It makes me feel that the thousands of hours I put into this research are appreciated. There aren’t any big … Continue reading

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1978 : Government Experts Said No End In Sight To Global Cooling – Polar Vortex Increasing

In 1978, government experts said the exact opposite of everything government experts say now. There wasn’t enough data to make conclusions about the southern hemisphere. Government scientists now just make up southern hemisphere data, and report it to 0.01 or … Continue reading

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Consensus Building

About 20 years ago when Al Gore became VP, the government largely quit funding climate skeptics. Huge amounts of money were poured into grants for scientists willing to tow the line of global warming alarmism. When the President and Secretary of … Continue reading

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Global Sea Ice Area Nearing A Record High

Global sea ice area is expanding rapidly, and is nearing a record high for early May. It is currently the second highest on record for the date, and the highest in 32 years.

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No Trend Towards Heavy Rainfall In The US

Two inch rainfalls peaked around 1900, and again in the 1990’s. The pattern is an oscillation, not a linear trend. On a side note, we had more than an inch of rain yesterday, yet the Fort Collins weather station reported … Continue reading

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Government Environmental Regulations

There is no question that government environmental regulations passed during the 1960’s and 1970’s were essential and very helpful. Our groundwater was being wrecked by dumping of toxic chemicals. The air was filthy The Cuyahoga  River used to catch on … Continue reading

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The Real State Of The Climate Report

Global sea ice area is near a record high for the date Antarctic sea ice area is at a record high for the date No global warming for almost two decades Last two years were the quietest on record for … Continue reading

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