Monthly Archives: May 2014

Gore Effect Strikes Washington Again

The House Science, Space and Technology Committee is holding a hearing tomorrow on the IPCC process.  Full Committee Hearing – Examining the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Process | Committee on Science – U.S. House of Representatives   The … Continue reading

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45 Years Since Paul Ehrlich Wanted To Poison Africans, To Stop Global Cooling

Before climate expert Paul Ehrlich was worried about global warming, he was worried about global cooling – and wanted to poison Africans. Ehrlich and Obama’s science adviser John Holdren, warned of a new ice age. So Ehrlich proposed to the UN … Continue reading

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Heidi Central Ramps Up Their Wildly Dishonest Propaganda Campaign

As average U.S. temperatures warm between 3°F and more than 9°F by the end of the century, depending on how greenhouse gas emissions are curtailed or not in the coming years, the waves of extreme heat the country is likely … Continue reading

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Global Sea Ice Area Is Growing By The Area Of France Every Eight Months

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40 Years Ago : Scientists Said The Cooling Trend Was causing Erratic Weather And Starvation

NASA has recently erased the post-1940 cooling trend, but prominent scientists who studied it at the time said that it was causing erratic weather, crop failures and mass starvation.   Ultimately, Weather Will Decide the Food Supply – Early Rain … Continue reading

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My World Cup Forecast

I predict that neither the US nor England will win, and that something which happens will be blamed on climate change.

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1871 – The Year The Midwest Burned Up

Chicago burned to the ground in 1871, but that was just one of the smaller fires which ravaged the midwest that year.

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Death Spiral Forecast

Nobel Laureate Al Gore forecast an ice-free Arctic in 2014. Using equally sophisticated modeling techniques, I have reproduced his forecast below.

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Slipping Off The Continent

The WAIS slipping off the continent scare story has been around for decades, and is typical of the technically illiterate people known as climate scientists.  Scaled down to size, the Antarctic ice sheet is thinner and flatter than a sheet of paper. It … Continue reading

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35 Years Since Climate Experts Warned That An Increase In Antarctic Sea Ice Could Lead To A New Ice Age

Thirty-five years ago, a top climate scientist said that an increase in Antarctic sea ice could lead to a new ice age. Experts Tell How Antarctic’s Ice Could Cause Widespread Floods – Mushy Ice Beneath Sheet – Article – Since … Continue reading

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