Monthly Archives: May 2014

Real Pollution Vs. Imaginary Pollution

Prior to the passage of the Clean Air Act, the US had some serious air pollution problems. This is what LA looked like in 1948. There were many days when you could hardly see across the Grand Canyon, because of … Continue reading

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Resistance Is Not Futile!

The donate button has gotten an excellent response so far. Readers from at least seven countries have donated, with the largest response being from the People’s Republic of Boulder. Very gratifying to see that my efforts are being appreciated. It … Continue reading

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Michigan Has Already Had The Second Largest Number Of Below 0F Readings In One Year

With several cold months left to go in 2014, Michigan has already recorded the second largest number of below 0F readings in a single year. Only 1963 had more.

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Don’t Buy From This Dishonest Data Butcher

From Obama’s climate assessment : Over the past century, global sea level has risen by about 8 inches. Since 1992, the rate of global sea level rise measured by satellites has been roughly twice the rate observed over the last … Continue reading

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Philadelphia Sets The Record For Most Nights Below 0F

Climate experts experts say that nights below 0F don’t happen any more because of global warming, but West Chester, PA has broken their record already this year for most nights below 0F in a single year, with eight.

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My Thoughts On Public Land

Most of my childhood was spent in Los Alamos, New Mexico, surrounded by public lands. I went hiking in the national forest every day. You could go target shooting just about anywhere in the Santa Fe National Forest. It was fantastic there, and still … Continue reading

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This year marks the 30th anniversary of Red Dawn, a Patrick Swayze movie where communists invade Colorado and use the gun registry to try to round up the guns and resistance. Similar to what Bloomberg tried to do last year … Continue reading

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My Theory About USHCN Data Tampering

Two things stand out about the current USHCN data tampering graph. The most obvious is the huge amount of tampering going on in 2014, but almost as bizarre is the exponential increase in tampering since about the year 1998. There … Continue reading

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Global Warming Makes Sunsets Appear Different

Global warming has changed the way springtime sunsets look in Michigan.

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Obama Vs. NOAA

President Obama claims that “sea level rise doubled since 1992” This is complete nonsense. NOAA shows no change in sea level rise rates, and they are one half of what Obama claims. NOAA_NESDIS_Sea_Level_Rise_Budget_Report_2012.pdf One thing Obama never worries about is … Continue reading

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