Monthly Archives: May 2014

1974 – Meteorologists Said Climatologists Aren’t Real Scientists

In 1974, climatologists said that global cooling was going to kill us all. Meteorologists at the time said that climatologists don’t know what they are talking about, and aren’t real scientists. TimesMachine: February 2, 1977 – Fast forward to … Continue reading

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Gaia Produces 97% Of CO2

In a disturbing development, scientists have discovered that Gaia produces 97% of CO2, and almost 100% of the most potent greenhouse gas (H2O) Global Carbon Cycle – The Woods Hole Research Center

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Join The Discussion On Politico

Leibovich: WHCD an ‘abomination’ –

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What If Benghazi Happened With A Republican President?

Had Benghazi happened while a Republican was president, the press would have pursued it 24×7 and tried to hound him out of office. But because Obama is president, the press has worked to cover Benghazi up. What is truly amazing is … Continue reading

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78% Of The US Below Normal Temperature Since October 1

WaterTDeptUS.png (688×531)

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BY 1936, Your SUV Had Already Turned The Earth Into A Desert

Gas guzzling Roman chariots ruined the climate of North Africa. Northern Africa grew more wheat in Roman times than even Egypt did. It was the granary of the Roman Empire. Now it is little more than desert. 23 Sep 1936 … Continue reading

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1906 Shock News : Earth Drying Up, Everyone To Die Of Thirst


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Expert : Earth To Run Out Of Oil In 2008

28 May 1938 – World’s Oil Wells Are Drying Up

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Lack Of Correlation Proves Global Warming, Yet Again

CO2 has officially passed 400 PPM (for about the third time) and Phil Plait is hysterical. Global warming: Carbon dioxide hits all-time high An actual scientist might conclude that the lack of warming over the last 18 years as  CO2 has … Continue reading

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Climate Alarmists Still Working To Kill Africans

Forty-five years after Paul Ehrlich announced his desire to poison Africans, climate alarmists are still looking for new ways to kill as many Africans as they can. Mindful of the benefits, the Obama administration’s Power Africa proposal and the World … Continue reading

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