Monthly Archives: May 2014

1958 Consensus : Ice-Free Arctic To Cause A New Ice Age

TimesMachine: October 19, 1958 –

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1921 – Earth Had A Fever

Middlesboro Daily News – Google News Archive Search 1921 was the hottest year on record in Illinois.

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1979 Shock News : North Pole To Melt – Causing Catastrophic Climate Change

TimesMachine: February 14, 1979 – It doesn’t seem to have melted yet, but will be keeping a close eye on it. EOSDIS Worldview (Alpha)

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1871 : Galveston Received Four Inches Of Rain In Fifteen Minutes …

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Michigan Beaches Filling Up Early This Weekend

CableAmerica: Lake Superior

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Global Warming Brings Another Early Planting Season To Greenland

Hendriks webcam i Tasiilaq

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The Most Arrogant And Clueless Person Who Ever Lived?


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Trees Grew In Greenland When The Vikings Lived There

During the non-existent MWP, trees grew in Greenland. Mikey says it is much warmer in Greenland now, because it is too cold for trees to grow. And during the last ice age, trees grew further north in Alaska. Hinting that the ice … Continue reading

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Global Warming Alarmism Explained In 1936

03 Dec 1936 – Good Times Make Us Tall

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Can I Do It Again?

Last time I lived in Maryland I only had a bicycle, and they had the mildest winter on record. I am headed back there for the summer with a CO2 spewing car, and hope to see a mild summer. Forget weather … Continue reading

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