Monthly Archives: May 2014

April 30 Global Sea Ice Area Third Highest On Record

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Kerry : CO2 Biggest Threat In History

With war in Europe looming, the Secretary of State says that 0.0001 mole fraction of an essential gas added to the atmosphere since 1900, is the biggest threat the world has ever faced.

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Coldest January-April In US History

US temperatures through April 30 were the coldest on record at 2.4C.

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Austrian Rapper Explains Global Warming

Does anyone know how to contact this guy? He is awesome. [youtube=]

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The Great Flood Is Coming – Due To Man’s Greed

Billionaire Bloomberg believes that a great flood is coming in retribution for man’s greed. Greenland Prime Minister Expects Global-Warming Mining Riches – Businessweek

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My 35th Anniversary As A Global Warming True Believer

I was introduced to global warming in May of 1979 by my boss at Los Alamos, and was a true believer for most of the last 35 years. During the 1990’s, it seemed believable. It doesn’t seem believable any more, … Continue reading

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The New Nazis

Conservatives, evil and psychopathy: Science makes the link! – Change the word “conservatives” to “Jews” or “blacks” and you have a hate crime prosecuted by the DOJ. Progressives have risen to the level of Nazis in 1930’s Germany. You … Continue reading

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Six Years Since Sarah Palin Warned That Russia Would Invade Ukraine If Obama Was Elected

Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns Progressives thought this was so funny, that they created an entire hate culture against Sarah Palin [youtube=]

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Please Try To Stay On Topic

This blog is not a place to push other agendas.

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Understanding Sea Level Rise

Sea level is rapidly falling in Canada and Alaska, and rising slightly in the other 56 US states. This is because of glacial rebound. During the last ice age, Canada was depressed by the weight of the ice. This same … Continue reading

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