President Obama Explains Why He Has Been Stonewalling The Benghazi Investigation


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to President Obama Explains Why He Has Been Stonewalling The Benghazi Investigation

  1. au1corsair says:

    What if Russia were involved in the Benghazi incident? What if Ambassador Chris Stevens was targeted by Russian operators in order that American influence in Libya be removed? What would the US public have to say about that Russian involvement? Would there be a rush to yet another war?

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

      Yes there would be a rush to war, Obama isn’t able to stand for election again. He’ll have to come up with another strategy to stay in power, like Global Thermo-Nuclear War.

      The up side is that the worlds golf courses will glow an eerie green in the dark so the President can shoot 18 holes anywhere and at anytime of night and still brag to his supporters how he is saving electricity.

  2. slimething says:

    Snopes? Puhleeze; may as well reference Wikipedia.

  3. David A says:

    He ducks like a quack.

  4. philjourdan says:

    He does not hide it very well.

  5. John B., M.D. says:

    So, what’s the big secret about Benghazi that Obama and Hillary don’t want people to discover? It isn’t something reported much by even the conservative media. Answer: the thousands of missing Libyan surface-to-air missiles that resulted from Obama overthrowing Qaddafi without even a Congressional vote on U.S. / NATO military action, and the transformation of Libya into an unstable country rife with terrorist elements.

    Who reported this? The venerable Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine, known for nonpartisan, apolitical, objective reporting:

    For balance, here is background on the author:
    Despite her critics, Rachel Ehrenfeld raises important questions that must be answered.

    All it takes is one commercial airliner (or military craft) to be shot down for Americans to realize the consequences of overthrowing Qaddafi, where no case for advancing U.S. national security interests was ever made.

    Tell me again what was the CIA was doing in Benghazi? Shades of Iran-Contra …

    • _Jim says:

      re: John B., M.D. says May 5, 2014 at 5:52 pm
      So, what’s the big secret about Benghazi that Obama and Hillary don’t want people to discover? It isn’t something reported much by even the conservative media. Answer: the thousands of missing Libyan surface-to-air missiles …

      The clock is ticking on their usefulness, without being refurbed at a depot (new batteries in particular, propellants, etc). Also, which version/variants were made off with? MANPADS or vehicle-mounted or fixed installations? And how old do you suppose the ‘stock’ was there in Libya?

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