Seemingly Endless Mendacity At The Guardian

ScreenHunter_260 May. 07 05.22

You really can’t make up mendacity like the people who write for the Guardian.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Seemingly Endless Mendacity At The Guardian

  1. ozspeaksup says:

    job requirement is IQ under 80
    or pathological lying tendencies
    having both? gets you a senior position

  2. The Griss says:

    In England, a drought is a week without rain !

  3. _Jim says:

    A funny ‘read’ of all the things affected by Climate Change performed by Mark Levin … click through to the May 6th (5/6/14) broadcast/podcast for his humorous read of the list as compiled by Dr. John Brignell formerly UK Emeritus Engineering Professor at the University of Southampton:

    . .


    Jump ahead to the 2:30 point for the beginning of the ‘read’.

  4. Keitho says:

    The Guardian used to make me cross. Now it just makes me sad.

    How so many erudite people can be so willfully ignorant is beyond my comprehension. Unfortunately for us all there are many members of the political class who feed off of this stupidity and so encourage it. I have been tangentially involved in the foreign aid industry recently and I can tell you that it is largely insane. Run by the very people who write for, read and comment on the Guardian and there is not one realist to be found. Each individual is just pushing his little bit of social experimentation and so billions of dollars are wasted each year. Dollars that you and I have worked hard to generate and turn over to these incompetents in the form of taxes.

    It has certainly soured me. I just want to get away from all this insanity and live out my days here on the edge of the South Atlantic just living in peace. Unfortunately the politics will always find you and jerk you around in the name of some new vision of Elysium. The B-Ark people do actually rule the world.

  5. Andy Oz says:

    Guardian Reporter Training course.

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