Shock And Awe

I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of readers over the last 24 hours. My son explained it to me :

People who read your blog are really smart, and smart people often have lots of money.

I’m planning to send a personal thanks to everyone who is donating, but the list is long and taking longer than expected.

I quite literally wouldn’t have made it to my next contract without your help. Thank you so much for your support.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Shock And Awe

  1. Andy says:

    “People who read your blog are really smart”

    How come Steve keeps calling me dumbo then ? 🙂

    I tend to side with your perceptive son.

    Good luck with the donations, you do spend a lot of time on this site putting stuff up for people to read.


    • Brian G Valentine says:

      Why not put your global warming crud on blogs with people who side with your ideas and be ignored

      That way you won’t have to feel like an outsider

  2. HankH says:

    Sorry to make your list longer. But I had to click on that donation button too. Thanks for all you do. 😀

  3. NomoreGore says:

    I’m glad to contribute but my last contract ended 9 months ago. Hoping something will pop soon.

  4. Sparks says:

    You make me feel bad for being smart and having lots and lots of money.

  5. Sparks says:

    BTW sort your comments out ffs.

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