Shock News : Scientists Caught Doing Some Actual Science

Ninety percent of “sea level rise” is subsidence. Another global warming scam bites the dust.

Forget global warming and melting polar caps – groundwater extraction is causing cities to SINK beneath sea level

Ground is dropping up to 10 times faster than the sea level is rising in coastal megacities, a new study says

Scientists at Deltares Research Institute in Utrecht studied subsidence in five coastal cities, including Jakarta, New Orleans and Bangkok

North Jakarta has sunk four metres in the last 35 years – a fall of 10 to 20cm per year and experts have called on governments to take action

Land subsidence is contributing to larger, longer and deeper floods

Total damage due to subsidence worldwide is estimated at billions of dollars a year and is set to increase

Forget global warming and melting polar caps – groundwater extraction is causing cities to SINK beneath sea level | Mail Online

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Shock News : Scientists Caught Doing Some Actual Science

  1. Andy Oz says:

    For Jakarta to survive, a sea wall like in Holland, will be required.
    The subsidence has been generally accepted in Indonesia for over 30 years and is partly due to the massive construction boom since the 1970’s. the soft volcanic soil is very deep and compressible. The only way to build office towers is with hundreds of massive concrete piles hammered into the deep soil. The other contributing aspect is water extraction from the soil. The CAGW threat is a myth in Jakarta. Convenient but a myth nonetheless.

  2. Brian G Valentine says:

    So do you think a Luddite who smashed machinery for causing “pollution” would be a Democrat?

    or a Republican?

  3. Tel says:

    Forget global warming and melting polar caps – groundwater extraction is causing cities to SINK beneath sea level

    Is there anything fracking doesn’t fix?

  4. Louis Hooffstetter says:

    Some areas of sout Louisiana are subsiding nearly 6″ per year. The causes are sediment compaction combined with mineral extraction (oil, gas, sulfur). Some morons think this is climate change:

  5. Gamecock says:

    Same tune, different verse. Still Man’s fault.

  6. tom0mason says:

    Powerful stuff this CO2! So it is now causing subsidence in Jakarta, New Orleans and Bangkok as the wicked man made CO2 eats away at the void under these cities pulling the ground down.

  7. stewart pid says:

    Ha … I did a paper on this in a first year geography course about 40 years ago … ground breaking stuff to be realizing the importance of subsidence in 2014 😉
    It was one of the few essays I enjoyed researching and writing with most others as enjoyable as a trip to the dentist.

  8. Hell_Is_Like_Newark says:

    Bangkok was built on a swamp because like Venice, swampland made the city much easier to defend. The previous capital was razed to the ground by the Burmese. Sinking is nothing new. The King of Thailand years back, pushed a pretty extensive flood control system for the city.

    The Venetians used to tear down / disassemble their buildings, dump fill to build up the land, and then rebuild. I watched a program on architecture that pointed out some of the buildings had five or six foundations below the foundation being used. Venice stopped that practice and now St. Marks Square gets flooded constantly now. The land is still sinking.

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