Something About Climate Makes People’s Brains Turn Off

News sources on both sides of the aisle (Guardian and Fox News) understand that Obama can’t be trusted to tell the truth about anything.

But when it comes to climate, both of their collective brains go numb, and they think they have to believe the White House.

Fool me 1,000 times, shame on me

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Something About Climate Makes People’s Brains Turn Off

  1. Ben Vorlich says:

    For the Guardian it suits their left wing nanny state control the people philosophy. Can’t speak for Fox News.

  2. darrylb says:

    Well, name one– just one– newsperson who comprehends and is willing to research even a slight amount of objective science. I can think of only one- Charles K. at Fox news has a reasonable, but not an in depth knowledge of climate science
    However, he objectively acknowledges the limitations of his own understandings.
    As for politicians, their diatribes will make for good humorous writing — A gift, of which someday I will take advantage.

  3. gator69 says:

    At least FOX has a balanced approach through their many personalities. This is a classic, as it shows just how very petty Gavin Schmidthead is.

    • R. de Haan says:

      What balanced approach? They play dumb and deaf when a President is wrecking the US economy with his bull shit plans?

      They screw the public in a similar way as all the other news outlets.

      Fox is MSM.

      • R. de Haan says:

        Remember, the Globalist Pack is lead by the banksters and the global corporations.
        How “democratic” do you think they are?

        As long as the American public doesn’t understand the Dems and Reps are pulling the same string, forget all about it.

        You’re screwed by the ESTABLISHMENT (All of them).

        • gator69 says:

          So you didn’t watch the video. Got it.

          FOX is the only channel still reporting on Benghazi. They are also still reporting on the IRS scandal, unlike their competetition. Have you forgotten this?

          There is no love lost between FOX and Skeeter. Not sure why you don’t know this, so I thought I would share.

        • _Jim says:

          I think you’re painting with a little too broad a brush, as if you have lost all your rational faculties; I hope this is not the case …

    • “Schmidthead”. I like that (because I agree).

  4. _Jim says:

    re: “Something About Climate Makes People’s Brains Turn Off”

    re (originally to): Why is “climate change” suddenly THE priority of the left? They want that carbon tax before enough of us wise up to the FACT that we are now in a COOLING trend. They’re panicking!

    A modified re-post of the answer in another thread:

    They (the left) needed [or, have stumbled upon] a ‘wedge issue’ to drive otherwise top-tier people apart. (a lot of ppl in different scientific arenas buy into it, for instance, since the idea is just palatable enough on the surface to win a ‘sale’ … just don’t dig too far beneath the surface!) It has now become self-propagating [via a never-ending ‘ad’ campaign] now that $$$Billions$$$ in government money has been spent in one-sided studies considering only ONE possible outcome (WARMING; premised SOLELY on CO2) given what they think are all the variables poured into a blender called a ‘climate model’.

  5. Bob Knows says:

    The majority of FOX news employees contribute to Democratic Party campaigns. They are just about as leftist as any other media buffoons.

  6. tom0mason says:

    A carefully crafted hegemony is maintained by the government ensures that the MSM are kept in line. For what broadcaster or news outlet could possibly face the idea of the IRS/FCC/EPA/NSA or other government bureaucrats and agencies investigating them?

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