Spring Finally Arrives In Wisconsin

After a record cold start to the year, spring has finally arrivedĀ in Wisconsin.

ScreenHunter_173 May. 05 05.21Land O’ Lakes Recreation Webcam

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Spring Finally Arrives In Wisconsin

  1. Andy Oz says:

    I’m betting that the US growing season will be noticably shortened this summer.
    Prices of food on the increase. You are having a sun drought in the US, because of SUV’s.

  2. stewart pid says:

    Dang …. looks a lot like spring in Calgary only we had knee deep snow! Today it melts (hopefully).

  3. philjourdan says:

    I see more snow birds.

  4. omanuel says:

    Yes, Spring finally arrived in Missouri too.

    Propaganda artists who successfully deceived the public about the cosmos, the Sun and the atomic nucleus did not realize they couldn’t deceive the public about the Earth’s weather and climate.

    Selfishness blinds one to reality.

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    Well, it’s good for the butter churners. They won’t have to refrigerate.

  6. Moeusa says:

    May 2014… Leaves are still hiding here in Wisconsin…..dreaming of global warming to come…farm reports say due to abnormal cold farmers will change to soybeans instead of corn….can’t wait to see ethenol prices….and still have our heat on….yeah!!!

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