I’m just back from a beautiful hike in the forest, and was thinking about how none of those trees would still be there if it weren’t for an abundant supply of fossil fuels.
Once Obama kills off the coal industry, the US will be almost completely dependent on fracking and/or foreign oil. Greens are generally much too stoned to make that connection.
Fracking is getting a (begrudging) approval from the less loony section of the environmentalists. The US has lots and lots of gas reserves to frack, so changing over to that from coal does not necessarily mean any loss of independence.
Natural gas replacement of coal (as well as carbon trading, a carbon tax and Global Governance) was the goal of the hoax in the first place! See my other comment tying all the pieces together.
Of particular interest is Ged Davis. Davis was a VP of Shell Oil and the lead author of the IPCC storylines and scenarios chapter.
Here is one of the Ged Davis Climategate e-mails:
Then there is Agenda 21 or sustainability:
Always good to know what the plans ‘They’ have developed for us without our input or agreement.
It ain’t the drugs, it is the mental disorder.
It is the early brainwashing.
U.S. EPA proposals for CO2 emissions limits from existing power plants in the U.S. are being introduced next month. We shall shortly seen how sane or insane things have become. The limits for new plants guarantee that no new conventional coal plants will be built.
It’s worse than that. The EU is cutting down American forests to supply their green revolution.
Regarding trees, at least start with the truth. The world is losing its trees. A newly planted seeding does not count as a tree. Also, coal has nothing to do with saving trees. Coal, if anything, is part of feeding the energy appetite for more consumption of trees for all the things we do with wood besides burn it. Here is a global satellite analysis of what is happening to trees. http://globalforestwatch.org
Regarding trees, at least start with the truth.
Those trees require large amounts of CO2, which some idiots believe will cause the oceans to boil.
You figure it out.
re: matayaya May 22, 2014 at 4:14 pm
“Hi I’m matayaya
I want to save the world, and save the trees, and save the whales, but I could care less about mankind and the blight mankind creates on the planet.
I do not revere life as the ‘right’ does. They are suckers. They are mislead by their pied-piper leaders and anti-science, backwards views. They are cretins. Just look at the shape of their skulls. You can tell.
Please click on my link and help me save the world, save the trees and save the whales.
But mankind? Bleh … ”
People in underdeveloped West Africa are denuding huge areas of trees because they lack fossil fuels for basic needs of cooking and heating.
matayaya…. The bigger picture here compares 3rd World countries with the USA… Thanks to abundant power via coal we actually have trees and forests….
Most 2nd and 3rd World countries are ravaging their forests while places like the USA, Canada, and Europe are managing forests, growing them back…preserving what is left.
Most forest in the USA are managed forests not virgin especially in the eastern USA. For Loblolly pine, 1st thinning occurs @ age 16-years and harvesting @ 24-years. Most of the forest in my next of the woods is stagger planted.
Coal is fossilised biomass, making it green.
I have tried to drill this observation into the minds of Warmists. If you were to ban coal use in poor countries this would INCREASE deforestation and loss of wildlife habitat. Surely not something they want. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. On the plus side the co2 from coal burning power plants is helping to green the planet.
Watch what happens (or happened) to the environment of a population deprived of affordable food and fuel. Stand back, and protect your legs from the swinging hatchets.