The Alarmist Debate Standard

The new standard for alarmist debate is to respond to rational thought with non sequitur hate speech.    i.e. anyone who lacks faith in the global warming religion is a young earth creationist

ScreenHunter_116 May. 03 09.35

Think the climate change fight is tough? What about the 17th century fight over math? –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to The Alarmist Debate Standard

  1. omanuel says:

    Thank you, Steven, for recognizing the propaganda pattern of responding to factual experimental data and careful observations with hate speech!

    This technique and the herd instinct have been effectively used to control mankind.

  2. B says:

    They simply project what they themselves do.

  3. Andy DC says:

    A young flat earth creationist! Who believes that man was never on the moon and that the sun rotates around the earth and has an iron core. (Sorry, Oliver, I could not help myself!)

  4. Sparks says:

    I have no problem what so ever about what people believe… I reserve the right! when it comes down to fact, I have to draw a line. exploring a hypothesis is a fact, assertion of a fact, is where I usually look..

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