The CIMP5 Modeling Team Predicted Superstorm Sandy Nearly 50 Years Ago

ScreenHunter_18 May. 15 05.30

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to The CIMP5 Modeling Team Predicted Superstorm Sandy Nearly 50 Years Ago

  1. edk says:

    Storms like sandy hit NY about every 70-80 years, enough time for everyone to forget and build in swamps and barrier beaches. A whole island was devoured in one storm. Tough for a storm to make westward turn after passing Carolinas, but it happens , 38 huricane hit area pretty good

    • Gail Combs says:

      I can remember hurricanes hitting NY state when I lived there 50 – 70s and also hitting the Boston area.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Move the 1938 hurricane about 75 miles to the west and it would have made Sandy look like childs play.

  3. Mark Bowlin says:

    Are you sure that’s not the CHIMP modeling team?

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