The History Of The Big Lie

There isn’t one shred of truth to the global warming/climate change story.

The big lie has always been used by government ahead of plans to kill lots and lots of people. Those running the global government believe that Earth is overpopulated by a factor of 10X.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

– Voltaire

Progressives have been trained to hate themselves and everyone around them, but the Progressives vs. Conservatives ploy is just a temporary distraction to keep control of the Senate ahead of the passing the  UN Small Arms Treaty. Once they have that, the useful idiots become completely expendable, and have overwhelmingly proven themselves to be completely unfit human human beings. The UN understands that they can’t commit genocide against an armed population, so they are working with their man in Washington (Barack Obama) to disarm the American people.

Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace– but there is no peace. The war is actually begun. The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms.

– Patrick Henry  March 23, 1775

UN peacekeepers under the direction of Kofi Annan stood by and watched while 800,000 unarmed Rwandans were hacked to death with machetes. Kofi was then promoted to the role of UN Secretary General.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to The History Of The Big Lie

  1. gettimothy says:

    cheers and thank you for your work.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Ehrlich, Holdren et al are spokespeople for a genocidal movement.


  3. Brian G Valentine says:

    The UN has been a F-ing cesspool since it began, when a bunch of self-hater and US haters decided to band together to see if they could eliminate democracy.

    Somehow their success has has thus far been limited

  4. geran says:

    “There isn’t one shred of truth to the global warming/climate change story.”


  5. -=NikFromNYC=- says:

    …but there’s no historically analogous monstrous social pressure that might lead to a revolution in contemporary America, merely a perma-recession caused by welfare, an affirmative action housing bubble that burst, an demographically aging population, and Enron spawn boondoggles.

    American progressives are just avidly trying to:

    (A) Destroy the influence of the religious right because Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” album was the ultimate viral meme against it.
    (B) Instigate European level socialism in post-industrial America where fracking wealth means not everybody needs to work for the nation’s survival.

    Fracking and massively continuing advances in biotech/nanotech/computing offer greater and greater absolute levels of real wealth, period, a profoundly anti-revolutionary situation.

    If you get your analogy even somewhat wrong, you are disempowered. Making a public claim of killing fields and reeducation camps being on the way, that mainstream everyday people would *not* be comfortable with in the age of Twitter feedback, makes your web site come off as crazy.

    Note that I’m *not* saying the the Marxist Utopianists now serving in government and academia are not *exactly* as you suggest, but I am saying that America is simply not under the type of massive oppression that has historically led to genocide.

    When Newt Gingrich called for the death penalty for drug dealers…well, that’s federal government war on it’s own entrepreneurial citizens, via the Drug Importer Death Penalty Act of 1996.

    Such staunch partisanship in your tone neglects to mention how team Obama is merely taking Bush’s shiny new Big Brother government sports car around the block.

    From their behavior you can tell that progressives merely want to eugenically destroy black people, and Obama’s own mixed racial background is just another extreme example of hatred of blacks. They want to abort double digit percentages of black births across the world, starve blacks in Africa by rationing energy and banning genetically modified crops full of vitamins, ban DDT, stop any quarantine efforts as being “racist” and homophobic when diseases break out, and subject blacks to continuing bouts of debilitating anger and victimology as they use affirmative action in college admissions to admit blacks into colleges they will in great abundance drop out of and then be poor forever due to student loans since they couldn’t compete.

    All I personally see is one big spherical Petri dish, God smiling down upon it, as elements rearrange, like flowers dancing in waves in the wind.

    • usJim says:

      I see only one mention in this thread concerning “reeducation camps”; did know this? And it’s in your post …

      1) Was your attempt at inserting this term an attempt to erect a straw-man argument or 2) enable the embedding of searchable term?

      I don’t see where SG constructed any hypotheticals around that term either, which brings us back to 1) and 2) above.


      • Brian G Valentine says:

        I just finished smoking some PCP to try to see it from his point of view and I am still lost

        • -=NikFromNYC=- says:

          usJim: If you judge me worthy of denigration rather than appreciation then I cannot fault you, yet. I do suspect tribalism though, here, rather than biding Patriotism. Yes, I have overall attacked Gorebots by being highly and sociopathically conscious of Google search terms, but here is my corner of the Universe where I can relax. This blog is my corner bar. I have so much faith in Steven Goddard the Maverick as a social POLITICIAN that I support him by posting a lot here, when I can, and when it is merited.

          I’m the prince’s court jester.

          Who are you, role wise?

          I don’t know.

          I have huge respect for anybody who has created an entire Internet empire.

          If I try to “round out” S. Goddard’s output, then have a little faith in me, I ask.

        • -=NikFromNYC=- says:

          Do you appreciate or hate other *types* of people? Do you grow Love in your heart, or hatred?

        • Brian G Valentine says:

          Who are you, role wise?

          Brian Gregory Valentine of Arlington, Virginia, 62 years of age, identify yourself clearly amd we have a conversation. Otherwise, put down the crack pipe.

  6. omanuel says:

    Climategate is the direct result of two key events:

    1. FEAR and CHAOS that were mostly hidden from the public in August 1945

    2. A GREAT DISCOVERY acknowledged with a Nobel Prize in December 1922

    These two key events are explained on opposite sides of this one-page paper:

    • -=NikFromNYC=- says:

      The one point convicted and registered daughter/son rapist Oliver gets very much right is this:

      Physicists and in many ways hard scientists and medicine men too, in general do something bad and ill-conducive to innovation, namely, they uber un-excellently up-and-out REFUSE to even LET ON where *exactly* the holes in their worldview actually *are.*

      That’s why suddenly after decades, some Newton’s Apple drops on our layperson’s heads, oh, oh, maybe the red shift behind Universe expansion theory is not really a “fact fact,” but just a theory-fact. This allows guys like Oliver himself to inject themselves into public debate about science “policy.”

      That’s why Lubos Motl is so important, even though he is so string theory partisan. He intellectually kills charlatanism while still being autistically open to new divinity in Physics.

      But wisdom kicks in:

      “There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.” – Rumsfeld

      The question I have is this for you Oliver: what if you are just wrong?

      Do you then still like and support Science as a distinguished human endeavor?

      Or do you just have a boner to become famous?

  7. Kent Clizbe says:

    Why do Progressives hate America?

    What is the origin of their belief system?

    Is it a self-licking ice cream cone of hatred and preening arrogance?

    Willing Accomplices, and their deliberate destruction of Normal American culture, created today’s Politically Correct Progressivism.

    Full details in this short video:

  8. Gail Combs says:


    You are missing a couple tiny elements in the equation. Food and energy.

    Obama said he would shut down coal, 42% of our electric generating capacity. The EPAs new regs go into effect this year. How many coal plants close down permanently as a result remains to be seen. However the EPA only allows three years for retrofiting so you lose 1/2 the coal fired plants for the 18 month period need for the work. That is ~20% or more of our current capacity shut down. Nuclear energy currently generates 19 percent of our nation’s electricity, 38 units or at risk of being prematurely retired, about one-third of our nuclear fleet.

    The EPA’s estimate of how many coal plants will shut down permanently is off by at least a factor of three or more. As of 2012 EPA, modeling of Utility MACT and CSAPR indicated that the regs would only shutter 9.5 GW of electricity generation capacity while more than 34 gigawatts (GW) of electrical generating capacity are now set to retire.

    The US government was planing on “balancing the grid’ by using “Renewable Energy” Smart Meters and smart appliances but as usual the government is a day late, a dollar short and grossly miscalculated.

    A power systems engineer commented on WUWT:

    “Letting non-professionals get involved in the power grid is like giving the keys to the family car and a bottle of whiskey to a 14 year old boy and his pals. If the renewables were viable, we’d adopt them by the train-load and build them so fast your head would spin.”

    And that is exactly what Obama is doing letting a bunch of incompetent nincompoops play with the US power grid. Can you say ROLLING BLACKOUTS???

    Heck they have already started. Rolling Blackouts Hit California Again and Texas Comes Close to Rolling Blackouts.

    Most of the retiring coal plants are located in the Mid-Atlantic, Ohio River Valley, and Southeastern United States. What do you think is going to happen when those unending rolling blackouts hit the inner cities of New York, Philidelphia, Atlanta, Cleveland, DC…. And are accompanied by major hikes in electric bills? Can you say RIOTS? Why else do you think Homeland Security has stock piled enough ammo for a twenty year hot war in the USA?

    The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 kicks in this year. This means ALL FARMS, fruit and veggie stands and possibly your patio tomato plant are now regulated with a massive amount of paper work required. As a result I switched from meat animals (sheep and goats) to fiber animals and will no longer sell food.

    All it took was one visit from the animal rights activist masquerading as a USDA inspector to convince me that Doreen Hannes was correct. They want their D@mn food regs then –“LET THEM EAT GRASS!”

    So how many people raising grain for food will switch to corn for ethanol in the next few years. How many like me will say “LET THEM EAT GRASS!” Last I checked, several years ago, the medium age of US farmers was around 57 so how many will just give up and retire or take their prime cropland and pastures and plant trees?

    Meanwhile Soros and Rothschild and others are buying up farmland as fast as they can. If you think they will be selling food CHEAP like independent farmers have for the last century, your nuts.

    City types may be ‘progressives’ and ‘Democrats’ but how long do you think they will stay peaceful and docile when energy and food become scarce and expensive?

  9. omanuel says:


    I agree, “There isn’t one shred of truth to the global warming/climate change story.”

    But I think we should admit that FEAR of nuclear annihilation in 1945 probably seemed like a legitimate reason for frightened world leaders to take totalitarian control of society.

    Skeptics of the AGW fable may be wise to give their opponents an escape route.

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