The Probability Of Extreme Dishonesty By Climate Experts Has Increased To 100%

Scientific American reports that global warming causes winter floods in the UK

Screenshot at May 03 06-29-52

Winter Floods Linked to Global Warming – Scientific American

Two years ago, the team said that global warming made winters in the UK extremely dry.

screenhunter_68-jul-08-00-34 (1)

Fears of British super-drought after record low rainfall in winter | Environment | The Observer

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to The Probability Of Extreme Dishonesty By Climate Experts Has Increased To 100%

  1. omanuel says:

    Prior to Climategate, Scientific American flourished by promoting official (consensus) models of the universe, stars, and nuclei.

    • _Jim says:

      You like that ‘thin ice’, don’t you? (I see another ‘Iron sun’ post in your not-too-distant future …)

      • Ernest Bush says:

        He’s nailed it in describing Scientific American though. It’s always been about consensus and junk psychology stuff.

        • _Jim says:

          It goes that way with most fields; take, for instance ‘ham radio’. There are a few, shall I say ‘personalities’ that set the pace or ‘thinking’ in a particular vein on a couple popular forums and woe be unto him who challenges the ‘group-think’ established on a few cherished subjects! You *will* be drummed out of the continuum for challenging the ‘old bulls’ on those subjects, when offering alternative theory or just thoughts on the subject even …

  2. kirkmyers says:

    When Scientific American decided to jump on the global warming bandwagon, it essentially declared that “we can no longer be taken seriously.”

  3. Sparks says:

    That awkward moment when reality itself lets you know! lol

  4. Andy DC says:

    Any bad weather is our fault. Even the great storm of 1703, or the catastrophic flooding in Holland back in the 1300’s was all our fault. Especially so, if you are an angry, straight, white Republican male.

    • _Jim says:

      Yes; so STOP whatever it is you and your kind are doing! Sit down, think positive thoughts involving fluffy bunnies and puppy dogs and green meadows under an orange, Iron sun employing strong Neutron repulsion for energy production … no wait! I have wandered off now … forget what I am saying …

  5. Eric Barnes says:

    They won’t be happy until the public worships at the feet of the federal government. Freedom is enemy number one for the elites in washington dc.

  6. B.C. says:

    It’s the dreaded DroughtFlood that they’ve been predicting all along! Run for your lives! (But not before giving all of your money to High Priest Algore and his Church of Mann-Made Glow Bull Worming.)

  7. Ernest Bush says:

    It is always about “fear” and never about science with these guys.

  8. gator69 says:

    What global warming? That is sooooo 20th century. 😉

  9. Billy Liar says:

    I wonder why progressives don’t frighten themselves? It never dawns on them that if it doesn’t appear to frighten them, why should anyone else be frightened.

  10. tom0mason says:

    Paul Homewood has been following the nonsense that has come out of the UK Met Office. He has continued his analysis of the rainfall in the UK using the Met Office’s own records to show their recent pronouncements are nothing but political propaganda.

  11. Andy Oz says:

    97% of Skeptics agree that Alarmists are 100% cracked.

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