TV Weather Forecasters Are Our Best Asset

Many weather forecasters do “on this day in history” segments, describing past extreme weather events. Nothing is more effective at disrupting White House climate propaganda.

On this day in 1840, Natchez, Mississippi was destroyed by a tornado which killed 340 people.

ScreenHunter_263 May. 07 06.30

The Public Ledger – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to TV Weather Forecasters Are Our Best Asset

  1. theyouk says:

    Unlike “climate scientists”, weather forecasters have accountability. They screw up enough and they’re fired.

  2. _Jim says:

    … brings to mind that we should all be aware of what awaits us as ‘spring’ looks to be a little delayed this year (and with the amplified ‘jet’ or Rossby wave pattern we have had for about a year now); the SPC (Storm Prediction Center) outlook a couple days ahead shows the center part of the US to be at ‘slight risk’ as depicted below:

    For the latest up-to-date Outlooks:

  3. philjourdan says:

    They have to produce actual verifiable results to keep their jobs.

  4. Not enough of them do this, or put it in the context you do, of correcting the political propaganda.

  5. Ernest Bush says:

    The fact that snow is falling in Nevada and Montana today is not helping him, either. To be followed by snow in Utah and, probably Colorado. Meanwhile, a surprise snowstorm in Argentina has left some people missing in 3 to 7 feet of the stuff. Then there is the abnormally cold fall weather in southern Australia at the moment. None of this is in the mainstream news, of course.

  6. D. Self says:

    Except my local forecasters got the White House Memo and talked about AGW yesterday.

  7. gator69 says:

    Funny, when I was a kid we used to make fun of meteorologists. Now they are the serious scientists, compared to the new weather clowns.

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