Two Feet Of Global Warming Coming To Colorado This Weekend

The only thing which may save us from a complete disaster, is that the Cottonwood trees are not fully leafed out yet – due to the cold winter and spring.

ScreenHunter_321 May. 09 10.49

Warnings for Larimer County Below 6000 Feet/Northwest Weld County, Colorado | Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Two Feet Of Global Warming Coming To Colorado This Weekend

  1. Andy DC says:

    Yes, it looks for real. It can snow in Denver area during May, but probably this much this late is quite unusual.

  2. stewart pid says:

    Well I’m glad someone else is getting the snow for a change … I’m sick of it after 8 months 🙁

  3. There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

    It snows in Steam Boat Springs, Colorado during July and August but in May in other parts of the state, why that’s unprecedented! :<)

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