It took nearly 70 years after Wegener proposed Continental Drift, for the consensus to accept that land can move.
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Steve OT but thought as a fellow biker you would get a laugh from this.
How ironic. The guy who backed the uber liberal de Blasio, now is griping that they city is a “mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign” As if de Blasio wouldn’t try to add to all the stuff Bloomberg attempted to control/ban.
His problem is he believes that he’s one of the elites who will not have to live by the rules and taxes he favors for others.
Typical Progressive… mean.. angry and full of rage…
.. All while lecturing us…
Jeff said he’s not convinced by photographs. The earths crust moves faster than his neurons fire.
And that truth is but the tip of the iceberg, because the continents did NOT just MOVE, to their present locations, orientations and shapes–they were MOVED, deliberately and precisely. They were broken up, moved along the mid-ocean rifts, and reassembled, by design–a great design that was meant to be uncovered by man, when he had reached our present level of knowledge about the world, and its real motions in space (which gave the appearance of the whole universe moving around the Earth, so that man should believe himself at the center of a great, universal mystery–as, indeed, he is, as a being of mind inhabiting mere matter).
Wow Harry … you are a complete idiot. Get a little bit of an education please. The plates are still moving so what happens to your “precise design” in a few million years? I can’t believe someone would put so much effort into nonsense but obviously you have your own agenda don’t you!!
huffman – literally: ‘man who huffs’. What, precisely? Realizing that even Toluene is available in gallon cans for industrial purposes …
It is settled science that earth can crack. Also that most climate scientists are aging hippies on crack.
Hey, I’ve even got a crack and the wife claims its getting bigger although that claim isn’t peer reviewed.
{would worry about you if the claim was reviewed by your peers}
{would snicker about your situation if the claim were “reviewed” by her peers}
Link for the picture?
Salton Sea basin:
I keep wondering when a quake is going to open up the center of California to the Gulf of California. El Centro is 32 feet below sea level and the Salton Sea surface is over 200 feet below sea level. East of El Centro are the Sand Dunes that will make this beach front property. Of course, no Colorado River water flows into the delta formed at the Gulf of California. So the tide moving in and out is slowly destroying the delta that prevents the flooding of the interior. I think about all this every time I look up at the 32 foot sea level mark on the side of a water tank south of I-8. I sometimes wonder how I will make it back to Yuma if the big one hits. Maybe I should keep a life vest in the car, also.LOL
Relative Sea Level is directly proportional to Continental Drift…
Progressive dummies would have us believe Manhattan is being flooded when it’s really sinking… total liars and tools…
Afar Rift: Africa Is Literally Splitting Apart
So Huffman is puff’n absurditites.
Total lies… It’s all about CO2 silly… Quit the denial… 😉
Right…the continents move?? Wholly crap… What a total Denialist excuse to explain all the flooding… Lol… 😉
IMO Douglas Adams said it best when describing the invention of the Infinite Inprobability Drive –
” … entry on the drive also states that it was invented “following research into finite improbability, which was often used to break the ice at parties by making all the molecules in the hostess’ undergarments leap one foot simultaneously to the left, in accordance with the theory of indeterminacy”. It further explains that many respectable physicists wouldn’t stand for that sort of thing, “partly because it was a debasement of science, but mostly because they didn’t get invited to those sort of parties.””