Understanding Sea Level Rise

Sea level is rapidly falling in Canada and Alaska, and rising slightly in the other 56 US states. This is because of glacial rebound. During the last ice age, Canada was depressed by the weight of the ice. This same effect caused the US to be pushed up, like how squeezing a water balloon causes it to bulge.

Once the ice melted, the Canadian land mass began to rise, and the US land mass did the opposite. Almost all of the US stations which report rise are below the fake University of Colorado 3 mm/year which is the standard talking point of climate experts.

ScreenHunter_109 May. 02 05.20Sea Level Trends – NOAA Tides & Currents

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Understanding Sea Level Rise

  1. Morgan says:


    The only accurate measure of sea level is in Obama’s own Hawaii 57

  2. philjourdan says:

    3mm/year is also what they “add” to the actual data to account for land bounce.

  3. stewart pid says:

    Steven, my daughter and 7 team mates are off to a soccer camp / team building this weekend in Canmore AB. I’m busy putting the snow tires back on the van … check the forecast … up to 30 cm of GLO-BULL warming / thing of the past. I’ll need Reggie’s blow thingy to clear my driveway!! http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/canada/alberta/canmore

  4. tom0mason says:

    ” During the last ice age, Canada was depressed…”
    … and the psychological recovery continues.

  5. Billy Liar says:

    Here’s a great picture of isostatic rebound in Nunavut:


  6. Dave N says:

    “During the last ice age, Canada was depressed by the weight of the ice. This same effect caused the US to be pushed up, like how squeezing a water balloon causes it to bulge.”

    As long as it doesn’t flip over.. you know.. like Guam almost did.

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