US Droughts Have Declined Sharply Over The Last 900 Years

Drought severity and area has declined sharply in the US since the 12th century. The exact opposite of what Obama claims.

ScreenHunter_307 May. 09 00.07ScreenHunter_306 May. 09 00.06

h/t to tom0mason

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to US Droughts Have Declined Sharply Over The Last 900 Years

  1. Psalmon says:

    Raining in California today.

  2. _Jim says:

    Speaking of which, yesterday afternoon we had 2″ of rain locally, and maybe a bit more over several important watershed areas which feed/encompass several important lakes/reservoirs in the North Centaral Texas area …

  3. Michael R. Kell says:

    9 out of 10 socioligists, urologists, geologists, TV weather forecasters and astronomers agree that the science of global cooling, warming, climate change, climate disruption is fixed. As soon as they find a name that describes what-ever is happening they’ll know what to call the tax they plan to put on it. They know the scienced is fixed cause they fixed it.

  4. Don E says:

    From the graph is looks like there was more drought during the Medieval Warm Period and less during the Little Ice Age and maybe an increase going into the current warm period?

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