What If Benghazi Happened With A Republican President?

Had Benghazi happened while a Republican was president, the press would have pursued it 24×7 and tried to hound him out of office.

But because Obama is president, the press has worked to cover Benghazi up.

What is truly amazing is that Obama is only at 40% approval, despite having a massive network of full time propagandists, otherwise known as the US press corpse. the BBC, etc.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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64 Responses to What If Benghazi Happened With A Republican President?

  1. _Jim says:

    Woodward and Bernstein * would have been all over it …


    * Or equiv.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Obambam is the champion of the Progressive world

  3. au1corsair says:

    Would it have happened to a Republican president? Okay, 9/11 did happen, and President Obama got credit for “getting” mastermind bin Laden.

    But then, for some unknown reason Democratic presidents have zero credibility with the world. There’s Wilson and FDR, Truman and Kennedy, Johnson and Carter, Clinton and Obama–and nobody calls them “cowboys.” Former actor and union leader Ronald Reagan, on the other hand, had the Kremlin shaking in their boots!

    What’s up with that?

    • _Jim says:

      “Press coverage” and the popular depiction of history by the usual librul historian writers. The hard science types are generally gainfully employed in their chosen specialty, and don’t have the time to ‘write’ those history books …

  4. Latitude says:

    Obama is only at 40% approval….

    That’s a scary thought……half the people you run into

  5. gator69 says:

    Sadly, if we held a recall election today, Skeeter would still get at least 47% of the vote.

  6. Ben Vorlich says:

    Any politician who robs Peter to pay Paul can always rely on Paul’s vote.

  7. Jim Jensen says:

    Birthers and Benghaziers have a lot in common. They have the same mentality as a dog who chases his tail.

    • _Jim says:

      Well, that fell completely flat …

      What don’t you want to come out of an investigation into an event wherein we lost an Ambassador and no one in government (that SAME government one might expect to aid ANY citizen overseas who met with adversity not of our own making) seems to have awake let alone AWARE of what was going on?


    • squid2112 says:

      Mr. Jensen, you enjoy being lied to by the very person that imposes taxes, rules and regulations upon you?

    • rw says:

      I think the proper phrase is, “Nothing to see here. Move along.”

  8. alakhtal says:

    Reblogged this on Liberalism is Trust Fucked with Prudence. Conservatism is Distrust Tainted with Fear and commented:
    John Boehner assembled Benghazi special committee to butcher Hillary before she hits the streets to clinch the White House away from Republican Preppers and [snip]

  9. alakhtal says:

    John Boehner assembled Benghazi special committee to butcher Hillary before she hits the streets to clinch the White House away from Republican Preppers and Teeebaagerzz Kochsuckers.
    Republicans daydream to appoint damn ho Nigga [Colin Powell ‘the jackass’] at the helm to crack down Libya into 3 White Bastards, Brown Arabs and Black Negroes as he cracked up Iraq into 3 Warlords Bitch States; Shiite, Sunni and Kurds.
    Let’s see how long Boehner will dance?
    Darrell Issa and Elijah Cummings have been fucking each other for 2 years to turn Benghazi from jealous queers’ shootout to real politics in an attempt to impeach Obama last year. Faux Shutdown, Assad and Putin giving America the Middle-Finger. outfucked big time the impeachment.

  10. bobmaginnis says:

    13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush’s Watch Without a Peep from Fox News

    • _Jim says:

      How many Ambassadors were lost?

      Meanwhile, the WHOLE COUNTRY is circling drain but you democranks can’t get Booosh off the brain! BDS is what we used to call it; Booosh Derangement Syndrome.

      BTW, bob, are you going to click the donate button and contribute in a meaningful way for a change?

    • Funny. I don’t remember Bush trying to blame it on a YouTube video, and then covering it up.

      The Watergate cover up is what brought Nixon down.

    • John B., M.D. says:

      Um, Bush never concocted a political cover story and lie about any of the attacks on his watch.
      And yes, Fox News did report on these attacks and called them terrorist attacks.

    • John B., M.D. says:

      Um, just fact-checking the last terrorist attack listed in the HuffPo article, here is Fox News’ “peep”: http://www.foxnews.com/story/2008/07/09/al-qaeda-blamed-for-terror-attack-outside-us-consulate-in-turkey/

      Bobmaginnis and HuffPo have lost credibility.

      • bobmaginnis says:

        But FOX didn’t blame Bush, like they blame Banghazi on Obama. They didn’t even blame Bush and Condiliesalot Rice for 9/11

        • _Jim says:

          lower-case “b” bob the Smear Merchant: Her name is Condoleezza Rice.

          Why are you trying to purposely smear a black woman? Don’t play the white racist, please don’t … it will reflect badly on you …

        • philjourdan says:

          Too late. He is a liberal after all.

        • Obama was lying about Benghazi before he even knew about it.

        • gator69 says:

          OMG what an idiot! Bush and Rice were responsible for 911? 😆

          Of those 13 instances, can you please point out those where Bush knowingly armed Al Qaeda, used an ambassador as an arms smuggler, and then covered it up? Care to figure out where Hillary’s State Department ‘misplaced’ $6,000,000,000?

          Keep digging! 😆

        • bobmaginnis says:

          Should I have given Rice a pass because she is black? That would be racist.

          0/02/06 “t r u t h o u t” — — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice may have committed perjury in her testimony before the 9/11 Commission in May of 2004. At a minimum, her testimony was a convenient mishmash of half-truths and omissions which served to paint the White House as innocent bystanders as the attacks of 9/11 unfolded. Certainly, her testimony omitted the fact that the two most senior intelligence officials in the nation delivered a stern warning regarding an impending terror attack two full months before 9/11.

        • philjourdan says:

          No bob, your racism is in taking an opinion piece that states “may have” and converting her name into an ad hominem.

          I guess we can add misogynist to your descriptors. But then you are a liberal, so that is a bit redundant.

        • gator69 says:

          Wow Bob! Why is that everything starts with racism when the leftists start spewing?

          So how long have you been a Truther?

        • _Jim says:

          Wow – gater, he’s a full-on nutball truther alright …

        • John B., M.D. says:

          bobmaginnis –

          We blame Obama and Hillary for the cover-up – the false etiology of the attack, and lying to the American people and the U.N. and the families of the victims because Team Obama wanted a certain narrative before the election that Al Qaeda was on the run.

          We’ll blame Obama for not being in the Situation Room (per Tommy Vietor last week). Instead, he was doing debate prep and working on his campaign speech he was going to give the next day in Las Vegas.

          We’ll assign Obama / Hillary blame for the foreign policy of bombing Libya in the first place despite zero national security interest (not even an erroneous one like WMDs in Iraq) – seems to be for U.K. and French oil companies.

          We blame Obama for not getting Congress to vote on military action like both Bush41 and Bush43 did.

          Due to stonewalling and CYA, we don’t YET know who to blame for the weak security at Benghazi, despite two prior bombings there in April and June of 2012. Charlene Lamb testified last year that budget cuts played no role, and spending for diplomatic security skyrocketed under Bush43
          and the cuts were minor (I can provide a link upon request).

          Obviously the blame for the actual attack goes to the terrorists, none of whom have been held accountable. But it may have been in response to CIA presence (i.e. the “Annex”) – and we’ve never been told what CIA was doing there in the first place. We suspect illegal Libyan arms trafficking via Turkey to Syrian rebels (many of them Al Qaeda or affiliates).

          We will also blame Obama / Hillary if any of Qaddafi’s Manpads are used to shoot down military or civilian aircraft.

        • philjourdan says:

          Nixon was brought down not by Watergate, but by the coverup. Obama and Hillary learned nothing.

        • philjourdan says:

          Do you blame Bush for 9/11? And why would anyone blame Condoleeza Rice as she was not SOS at the time. Collin Powell was.

        • squid2112 says:

          John B, MD,

          Obama wanted a certain narrative before the election that Al Qaeda was on the run.

          While what you are saying is true, and disgusting in its own right, I deplore you (and everyone else) not to lose sight of the real issue with Benghazi. The consulate in Benghazi was being used as a gun running operation to arm Al Qaeda in an attempt to oust Assad from Syria. This was an illegal gun running operation specifically to arm Islamic Terrorists, the very terrorists that we are supposedly fighting against in the so-called “war on terror”. This administration wanted the outcome that happened in Benghazi so as to cover up the operations. They purposefully withheld assistance so as to ensure the front line players in their gun running operation would die. Then, the concocted a fable involving a YouTube video to cover up the event and divert questions away from “why was there a terrorist attack on that facility”, and, as you have pointed out, to deflect criticism for the up coming elections. The root of this entire episode stems from an illegal gun running operation to arm our enemies.

        • John B., M.D. says:

          I haven’t lost sight of that possibility. We still don’t know why the CIA was in Benghazi, nor why Ambassador Stevens met with the Turkish Ambassador shortly before the attack. This is worse than Iran-Contra if we helped send Libyan arms to Al Qaeda in Syria, not to mention that Obama bombing Libya to overthrow Qaddafi in the first place let loose thousands of surface-to-air missiles http://aviationweek.com/awin/opinion-commercial-airliners-need-antimissile-protection. It just takes one to shoot down an Israeli airliner.

        • gator69 says:

          squid2112 says:

          “They purposefully withheld assistance so as to ensure the front line players in their gun running operation would die. Then, the concocted a fable involving a YouTube video to cover up the event and divert questions away from “why was there a terrorist attack on that facility”, and, as you have pointed out, to deflect criticism for the up coming elections. The root of this entire episode stems from an illegal gun running operation to arm our enemies.”

          Zactly. This is why there has been obstruction from the beginning. Obama is a traitor, whose (in)actions killed 4 Americans.

        • John B., M.D. says:

          Then there is the issue of Obama asserting Executive Privilege on Operation Fast & Furious, involving govt-sanctioned gun running of 2000 weapons to criminals in Mexico. If Obama had no involvement, he cannot assert Executive Privilege, thus the conclusion is he has something to hide.

          In my view, this is of greater magnitude (so far) than Benghazi – that is, until a Libyan Manpad is used to shoot down a military or civilian aircraft.

        • _Jim says:

          The ‘clock’ is running on those Libyan MANPADS of (probably) Soviet -er- Russian manufacture … batteries in particular have a shelf life, but ALL electronics have a lifetime (caps, electrolytic caps for instance dry out with time) and those lifetimes are made SHORTER the worse the storage conditions (e.g. heat and moisture particularly) …

          Also, MANPADS won’t reach an aircraft at cruise altitude, so your opportunities are at the ‘terminal’ points (aerodromes) involved …

        • John B., M.D. says:

          Israel vulnerable to the Manpads. See starting at 2:39 of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytWmPqY8TE0

        • _Jim says:

          Do you believe in magic John B., M.D.?

          Or are the laws of physics operable in the things/machines man builds?


        • John B., M.D. says:

          Your point?

        • _Jim says:

          I made my point; you either failed to read or comprehend them.

        • John B., M.D. says:

          I am trying to determine if you are minimizing the perceived threat of the Libyan Manpads.
          Can you state your points not in the form of a question?

        • _Jim says:

          My point? Those older, mishandled MANPADS, besides degradation of the electronics ALSO represent just about as big a danger to the one firing them as the ones being fired at … and maybe even a BIGGER risk to the operators owing to age and/or mishandling of the MANPADS or poor quality production/impure materials to start with (think 3rd world processes and manufacture).

          Some comments gleaned from around the web from the guys in the field who have worked with MANPADS technology report these issues:

          1) In depot storage, the are good for many years. There is a battery that is installed when it leaves the depot. IIRC that battery is only good for six to twelve months.

          Temperature extremes, and actually packing it around the field will accelerate wear on the weapon and age the battery. I expect storing it deep in a cave in the mountains would be a pretty good approximation of depot storage conditions.

          The thing that worried me the most is that the thing got dropped somewhere along the way and the rocket fuel got cracked. Turns the fuel into a low order bomb that goes off an unpredictable amount of time after it was ignited. But I did do safety as a primary job for a while. *shrugs*

          2) Solid rocket propellant tends to sag away from the upper sides of the casing, and can detonate catastrophically on launch. Also, splits in the pellet can allow the ignition of propellant surfaces other than those intended, and also lead to it blowing the side out of the casing. Not good things for the ops. Usual shelf lives run 8 to 10 years, with a depot level inspection at 5 years.

          3) IR detectors also have a limited life.

          4) Whether due to a crack or case debonding, the added volume of a void caused by a crack or case debonding will result in a fast burn and high pressure spike, usually resulting in a catastrophic detonation (CATO) of the motor.

          5) Batteries are easily replaced. Cooling assemblies could presumably be recharged with commercial equipment. Motor and seeker head degradation due to improper handling/storage are quite another thing, and not going to be ‘fixed’ very easily.

          Given proper storage and a lack of handling, I don’t doubt that US articles will have at least a 10 year shelf life, and twice that would not surprise me. I’m unconvinced ex-Soviet articles will do as well. I’m also unconvinced that weapons that have been in al Qaeda hands for a dozen years have received proper storage and handling.

  11. Mike D says:

    We know what would happen. Just look at what happened with the Valery Plame stuff, where there wasn’t actually anything to the story, but the media couldn’t get enough of it. Went to a special prosecutor even after it was known the leaker was a bureaucrat at at the State Department.

  12. bobmaginnis says:

    Rice’s color had nothing to do with it, but you said “Why are you trying to purposely smear a black woman.” I’m not one of the ‘truthers,’ who believe that the buildings were demolished with explosives. A good place to start is
    but PNAC wanted a ‘Pearl Harbor.’

    • gator69 says:

      Why are you putting words in my mouth? I said nothing of the sort about Rice.

      I will ask again. How long have you been a Truther?

    • philjourdan says:

      Good for bob! Not a complete loon, just a liberal one.

      Yep! Boosh planned and executed 9/11 in less than 8 months. Yet he is too stoopid to even tie his own shoes. The level of insanity (the ability to hold to diametrically opposed thoughts in your head at the same time) by the left is astonishing! Lewandowsky missed his calling. I bet you are his missing sample.

  13. bobmaginnis says:

    Sorry gator, I looked back and found that it was Jim who said that, and I responded to your racism thing, but the real issue to me isn’t liar Rice’s race, but that Obama’s Benghaszi is nothing compared to PNAC’s ‘Pearl Harbor,’ the 9/11 WTC tragedy that during Bush II’s watch, and the Patriot Act snooping police state that we have now. Do you complain about DHS, TSA, NSA etc? If so, we are in agreement on some things.

    Am I a ‘Truther’ if I believe that the WTC buildings were downed by jetliners, not pre positioned explosives, but that certain people wanted a ‘Pearl Harbor?’ Google PNAC if you doubt my links.

    • _Jim says:

      You’re beginning to also look like a bona fide, genuine, Grade A ID 10T too, little “b” bob.

    • gator69 says:

      I doubt your sanity.

      But as for doomers, you can find them anywhere. The difference between you and I are many, but one is that I do not listen to doomers of any stripe.

    • philjourdan says:

      Some truthers believe in the demolition of the WTC towers (and building 7). Some do not. All believe it was Boosh’s doing. So yes, you are a truther. A racist and misogynist.

      I am sure you will next tell us that some of your best friends are black. Standard KKK line – just as Byrd.

  14. au1corsair says:

    It isn’t that President Obama is black–he gets a free ride because he’s a Democrat. Besides, President Obama is Irish, as was Andrew Jackson and James Polk and James Buchanan and Chester A. Arthur and Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harris and William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson and Warren G. Harding and Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton and George W. Bush….

    I joke that the American and French militaries have the same fatal shortcoming–French politicians control them–but looks like we like Irish Crème in the White House!

    And Democrats have gotten a free ride in the mainstream news media since at least Woodrow Wilson. Republicans, on the other hand, are The Enemy of the mainstream news media!

  15. David A says:

    bobmaginnis, why do you deflect and avoid all factual accounts concerning Obama? If you want to actually dialogue you need to answer to previous posts, repeated below for your convenience.
    my inserts in caps and ().
    John B., M.D. says:
    May 5, 2014 at 11:43 pm
    bobmaginnis –

    We blame Obama and Hillary for the cover-up – the false etiology of the attack, and lying to the American people and the U.N. and the families of the victims because Team Obama wanted a certain narrative before the election that Al Qaeda was on the run. (NOW, WITH THE LATEST EMAIL RELEASE, THIS IS A KNOWN FACT, THEY KNEW, OBAMA AND THE WHOLE ADMIN KNEW THIS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH A VIDEO, AND THEY REPEATEDLY LIED TO THE WORLD.)

    We’ll blame Obama for not being in the Situation Room (per Tommy Vietor last week). Instead, he was doing debate prep and working on his campaign speech he was going to give the next day in Las Vegas. (AND STILL, IN THE MOST TRANSPARENT ADMIN EVER, WE DO NOT KNOW WHERE HE WAS, OR WHEN HE WENT TO BED, OR WHAT DECISIONS HE MADE.)

    We’ll assign Obama / Hillary blame for the foreign policy of bombing Libya in the first place despite zero national security interest (not even an erroneous one like WMDs in Iraq) – seems to be for U.K. and French oil companies.

    We blame Obama for not getting Congress to vote on military action like both Bush41 and Bush43 did. (INDEED, BUSH HAD OVER 25 NATIONS ON BOARD, AS WELL AS CONGRESS)

    Due to stonewalling and CYA, we don’t YET know who to blame for the weak security at Benghazi, despite two prior bombings there in April and June of 2012. Charlene Lamb testified last year that budget cuts played no role, and spending for diplomatic security skyrocketed under Bush43

    Obviously the blame for the actual attack goes to the terrorists, none of whom have been held accountable. But it may have been in response to CIA presence (i.e. the “Annex”) – and we’ve never been told what CIA was doing there in the first place. We suspect illegal Libyan arms trafficking via Turkey to Syrian rebels (many of them Al Qaeda or affiliates).

    We will also blame Obama / Hillary if any of Qaddafi’s Manpads are used to shoot down military or civilian aircraft.

    and then there was this, which you also never responded to…
    gator69 says: May 5, 2014 at 7:58 pm

    Of those 13 instances, can you please point out those where Bush knowingly armed Al Qaeda, used an ambassador as an arms smuggler, and then covered it up? Care to figure out where Hillary’s State Department ‘misplaced’ $6,000,000,000? (DO NOT FOREGT OBAMA ALSO ARMED THE MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS)
    So Bob, I suggest you offer a counter point, step by step, or just look foolish to anyone trying to understand. As it is, you are either a tool for the conservative view, or a fool for the left, because either they have no case, or you are incapable of articulating it.

    • _Jim says:

      So Bob, I suggest you offer a counter point, step by step, or just look foolish …

      Cheerleaders (to wit, little “b” bob) need not understand the game where they appear and perform their ‘cheering’ act; this may explain much of what we see coming from the operative (vs passive) ‘left’. They have no real comprehension of what transpired nor what implications those actions might infer and cannot ‘explain’ beyond their ‘canned act’ (talking points).

      BTW, nothing against NFL cheerleaders, or any other sports cheerleaders for that matter …

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