In the late 19th century, winter in Fort Collins ended by mid-April. Now we get snow into May. Climate experts say that Colorado skiing is doomed and that snow is a thing of the past.
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- Richard E Fritz on The End Of Snow
Steve, I follow your blog because of the content and the humour. Regarding the recent exchanges between yourself, Antony Watts and people from BEST, one of the things that makes me question the veracity of the TOBS correction that they prefer is the fact that you can plot independent measures, as you have here, such as the latest day of snow in your area. Similarly with the Great Lakes ice extent, you are providing an independent measure of either warmth or cold. By the way, I am a regular at WUWT as well, and respect his work tremendously too.
Steve Mosher contends that the work he has done verifies that TOBS requires the correction they make. I wonder if TOBS creates a warming bias, as he suggests, during periods of warming. However it might cause a cooling bias during times of cooling. (As you also point out, it is counter-intuitive that people are not aware of how to control a min max thermometer).
On the idea that independent measures provide control, in my country of origin (Scotland) they have had record snow days in the Cairngorms, in the way that we had loads of snow there in the 60’s (a previous cooling period).
Anyway, thanks for all the work, entertainment, and science.
I have a plan to test TOBS in a way which should be pretty conclusive. More soon.
The actual TOBS adjustment they do, is much larger than USHCN documentation says it should be.
Steve, thanks from me, too. BTW, I am glad Anthony brought up the issue. The resulting discussion was quite productive and created additional interest in your work,
?I’m dreaming of a White Easter!??
It is way past Easter. How about a white 4th of July?
The last 2 years have brought unusual snows in May, even outside of the Rocky Mountain states.