Would The White House Lie To You About Climate?

Geithner: White House Wanted Me to Lie on Sunday Shows

Of course, Geithner would not have been the only official from the White House to have misled the American people on the Sunday talk shows. Susan Rice famously came under fire for blaming a terrorist attack on a YouTube video in appearances on the shows.

Geithner: White House Wanted Me to Lie on Sunday Shows | The Weekly Standard

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Would The White House Lie To You About Climate?

  1. Reblogged this on Reality Check and commented:
    Ummmm Does a bear shit in the woods?

  2. Andy Oz says:

    They also corrupt the bureaucrats that need to stay honest and independent for society to function effectively. Maybe the BOM prediction service can help with the truth but I doubt it.

  3. emsnews says:

    Hello, ALL our Presidents for my entire lifetime asked their staff to lie on TV. This is ‘normal’ not exceptional.

    • Gail Combs says:

      It is the definition of politics.

      When is a Politician not lying?
      When his mouth is shut.

      What is the definition of an Honest politician?
      One who stays bought.

      Rasmussen Poll: 48% Say Most Members of Congress Are Corrupt

      • Ernest Bush says:

        And yet the same nuts that said yes will turn around and vote their own back in.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Much of that (voting back in) can be laid at the door of journalists who busily cover-up for the corrupt politicians. The rest gets laid at the door of the Supreme Court that voted to allow Corporations “Personhood’ so they could donate mega bucks to political campaigns and the newest rulling that allows unlimited contributions from the wealthy.

          Now it is easier that ever for the wealthy to “Buy a Politician”

          Supreme Court strikes down limits on overall federal campaign donations
          April 2, 2014
          The Supreme Court’s divisive decision Wednesday striking down a Watergate-era limit on campaign contributions was the latest milestone for conservative justices who are disassembling a campaign finance regime they feel violates free-speech rights.

          The 5 to 4 decision — striking down the limit on the total amount of money wealthy donors can contribute to candidates and political committees — was the fifth since Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. joined the court that agreed with constitutional arguments challenging laws designed to blunt the influence of money in politics….

          The dissent said the ruling expands on a wrong-headed hostility to campaign finance laws that the court’s conservatives showed in the landmark 2010 case Citizens United v. FEC, which allowed corporate spending on elections.

          “If Citizens United opened a door, today’s decision, we fear, will open a floodgate,” Breyer said. He added that the ruling “overturns key precedent, creates serious loopholes in the law and undermines, perhaps devastates, what remains of campaign finance reform.”…

          I am afraid that this is where I have to agree with the democrats. Limiting the amount of $$$ donated allows the little guy more say in politics. How ever I would ban ALL groups, NGOs, PACs, corporations ior what ever from funding campaigns. You like a candidate you fund him as an INDIVIDUAL no groups, like WWF, AARP, or even the republican or democratic party are allowed to donate to a candidates war chest.

  4. coldwarvet says:

    Thank you for all the posts; a glimmer of hope.

    The tempo of their agenda (global government) is quickening; their coercion-tactic(s) (propaganda, ad hominem attacks, Reductio ad Absurdum, and constitutional over-reach) will soon transition into full-blown martial law. Even if we get a democrat in republican’s clothes (in 2016), turning-back the global agenda will take nothing less than a total re-keying of the respective nationalism(s).

    The Climate Change agenda points to the iron statue positioned in front of the European Union’s headquarters (The Charlemagne Building…named after the first Holy Roman Empire’s Leader) in Brussels; the statues features a woman riding a beast.

    Answer: Yes, and this agenda is way-bigger than a puppet reading a tel-prompter (dangerous as he is).

  5. Brian H says:

    Why would it make an exception?

  6. James the Elder says:

    Unlimited funding puts the evil Koch brothers at #19 on the money list. The top four are unions. The dems are crying all the way to the bank.

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