Your Opportunity To Study Science In An Enlightened Country

Europe is hoping to bring this home, through progressive immigration policies.

In a horrifying turn of events, 234 young girls were abducted from a physics exam in Nigeria, purportedly by terrorists who are opposed to educational endeavors.  Two weeks later, the girls are still missing, and their families are fast losing hope of rescue.

Physics Week in Review: May 3, 2014 | Cocktail Party Physics, Scientific American Blog Network

There is an important adjective missing from the article, before the word terrorists. I wonder why they forgot to use it.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Your Opportunity To Study Science In An Enlightened Country

  1. johnbuk says:


  2. Hugh K says:

    Obama’s take — Nothing to see here…just school-place violence. /

  3. jeremyp99 says:

    Steve – you really, really mustn’t upset the Muslims.

    Meanwhile, back here…

    “News Headlines »
    Islamic schools plot in second city
    Teachers in Bradford fight attempted takeover of Muslim-majority state schools by group linked to ‘Trojan Horse’ plot”

    • Billy Liar says:

      Another Trojan Horse is coming your way soon too – Smart Meters.

      • _Jim says:

        Already here (in my area); I have yet to subject mine to a battery of EMI susceptibility tests*, but I can report they emit a ‘sweeping’ RF carrier through the AM broadcast band up through 160 meters (2 MHz), when a receiver is in close (a couple of feet) to the meter. They also are quite ‘chatty’ in the 900 MHz ISM band as observed on a spectrum analyzer.

        Fortunately, my meter base has a built-in bypass switch, allowing the ‘switch’ to be used when swapping meters OR in case of ‘meter failure’ (and these meters ARE capable of remote disconnect via the RF link.)


        * What do they do when exposed to a strong RF source in close proximity.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Same with the Sydney Morning Herald. They have no trouble saying “Catholic” peadophiles ( neither do I) BUT I wonder why they don’t write “Muslim” terrorists and murderers? It’s the new brand of “religious correctness”.

    • _Jim says:

      re: Andy Oz says May 3, 2014 at 11:41 pm
      Same with the Sydney Morning Herald. They have no trouble saying “Catholic” peadophiles ( neither do I) BUT I wonder why they don’t write “Muslim” …

      Its an ‘insurance cost’ * issue; need I say more?


      * Not so much ‘Acts of Allah’ as ‘acts of Mohammed‘ covering beat downs (hospitalization) and maybe even ‘casualty’ (fire, theft, vandalism) loss …


  5. Donna K. Becker says:

    Correctness–or fear?

  6. Bill Illis says:

    The entire world should descend on this area and rescue these girls. I mean every country should send in 100 of their absolute best commandos and do some damage

    Don’t you think?

    The human race has moved beyond this type of thing now and it is time for governments to man-up.

  7. kuhnkat says:

    “There is an important adjective missing from the article, before the word terrorists. I wonder why they forgot to use it.”

    Because that is how they read it in the New York Times or BBC??

    Of course the Progressives assure us that Christians like me are just as bad as Muslims, so they have to leave open the possibility…

  8. ntesdorf says:

    “Catholic” paedophiles is quite correct in Leftist speak, these days, however “Islamic” or “Mohammedan” or even “of Middle Eastern appearance” murderers or terrorists is totally forbidden in Leftist Speak. This is dictated by the Leftist code of religious correctness..

  9. Herve says:

    When a black or muslim is attacked in the street, all media shoot hellfire.
    Many girls of unknown religion are kidnapped evey day in the Western world, not a single media report the facts.
    When christians are slaughtered in Africa, not a single media reports the facts.
    When animals are slaugthered in Kenya, not a single media reports the facts.
    1- Animals, western girls and christians are equal, ie like animals the life of which one can dispose
    2- Muslims became the new Aristocracy in western world.

    That’s Leftist religion….

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