In Order To Check A Fact, You Have To Have A Fact To Check

Miriam Goderich says the reason her literary agency promoted client Barack Obama as “born in Kenya” for 17 years (until he announced his candidacy for president) – was a “simple fact checking error

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Exposing The Original Birther | Real Science

In order to check a fact, you have to have a fact to check. Without disclosure of who gave her this misinformation, everything else she says is meaningless, and appears to be covering up something.

No one in the press has seen fit to ask her where her “fact” came from. What a pathetic state of affairs.

In case I have to spell it out for anyone, this story is not about Obama’s birthplace. It is a story about Obama and his literary agents spreading misinformation for 17 years – right up until he announced his candidacy for president.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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166 Responses to In Order To Check A Fact, You Have To Have A Fact To Check

  1. Smokey says:

    It always comes back to the same simple, straightforward question: if Obama was born in the U.S., why is he hiding his birth certificate, and stonewalling any and all questions?

    The certainty that he is hiding something major approaches unity. Why would he want a cloud like this hanging over him for all of future historians to question?

    Unless, of course, he really is hiding something major. Don’t Americans have the right to answers about their president? I would like to know, one way or another. At this point, no one is going to kick him out, no matter what the truth is.

    • That is a completely different topic.

      It all comes down to Miriam Goderich explaining who told her that Obama was born in Kenya.

      • You are apparently unclear on the concept of mistakes. They do not require sources.

        Miriam Goderich’s statement:

        This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me–an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

        • They promoted him as born in Kenya for 17 years, until a couple of weeks after he announced his candidacy. That explanation is spectacularly inadequate and a real journalist (rather than a White House propagandist) would have insisted on much more detail.

        • philjourdan says:

          Yes, they do require sources Idiot. You can say anything you want (and have). But your word, considering the multitude of lies, is less than worthless.

      • smrstrauss says:

        She had the text of Obama’s unpublished autobiography “Journeys in Black and White” in front of her, and she saw in it that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya. That was Barack Hussein Obama I, Obama’s father, not Barack Hussein Obama II, Obama himself. And she said (though you claim that she is lying) that she made the mistake and that Obama did not tell her that he was born in Kenya and that she never sent it to him to check and that she did not tell him when she put it online so that he could not fix it.

        Moreover, we have the evidence of Obama having told the press in 199o (just before the bio blurb) that he was born IN HAWAII, and we have the evidence that in 1995 he wrote in his book that he was born IN HAWAII. Yet you claim that in between, in 1991, he told Goderich or wrote that he was born in Kenya. Not very likely is it?

        The simple explanation is best, that she saw Barack Hussein Obama born in Kenya in the unpublished document and made the mistake that that referred to Barack Hussein Obama II. She says that it was a mistake, and she’s not lying, it really was her mistake.

        • So what did Obama say when you sent the bio to him for his approval?

          Please quote the exact text you read in that book, Miriam.

        • smrstrauss says:

          stevengoddard said:

          “Please quote the exact text you read in that book, Miriam.”

          I’m not Miriam, and I do not have that unpublished manuscript before me. Yet Obama’s father’s name really was Barack Hussein Obama I, and Obama really did say in 1990 and in his book Dreams from My Father in 1995 that he WAS BORN IN HAWAII.

          The telephone number of Dystel & Goderich is 212 627 9100 and you can call her yourself or ask for the PR department, and ask whether the cause of the mistake was Obama’s father’s name or something else. In fact, here is her e-mail address, so you can get an answer IN WRITING: [email protected]

          The fact remains, however, that YOU have not proved that she is lying. Nor have you any proof (nor is it all likely) that Obama switched his story from “I was born in Hawaii” in 1990 in newspaper interviews and again in 1995 in Dreams to “I was born in Kenya” in between those statements.

        • philjourdan says:

          If you cannot quote it, you do not know it turnip. Stop lying.

          But I noticed that your master has given you phone numbers. Do you really think that lends credence to your lies?

        • philjourdan says:

          The supposed smartest bio writer of all the ones competing to write the bio of a man no one knew, but everyone knew, was not smart enough to know that some men are named after fathers, but clever enough to hide the deception from the man that no one knew, but everyone wanted to write about for 17 years.

          That is the sum total of the turnips argument. But of course it comes with no facts. SG on the other hand provided evidence that blows it apart, but the turnip thinks a Gordian knot is less complicated than a granny knot.

    • smrstrauss says:

      stevengoddard points out below that you are discussing a different topic. Still, you deserve an answer:

      Obama has shown both his Hawaii short-form BC (the Certification of Live Birth, COLB, which is the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii, used by thousands of people to get their US passports every year), and he has shown his long form Hawaii BC. And the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed that they sent them to him, and that all the facts, repeat ALL the facts, are exactly the same, repeat, EXACTLY the same, as what they sent to him. And Obama’s birth in Hawaii in 1961 is also confirmed by the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 by the DOH of Hawaii (and ONLY the DOH of Hawaii could send birth notices to that section of the newspapers, the “Health Bureau Statistics” section, where Obama’s birth notice was published, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii).

      And there is no indication whatever that Obama’s mother even had a passport in 1961, and very very few 18-year-olds did at the time and EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad in the last few months of pregnancy. Yet birthers hope a few GULLIBLE people will just assume that both of those happened and that Obama’s birth certificate is forged and the officials of both parties are lying and the Index Data and the birth notices are forged and the INS inspector made an error in his “one child, born in Honolulu” note and the teacher who wrote home was lying. But you’d have to be terribly GULLIBLE to think that all of that happened.

      • philjourdan says:

        Another lie turnip. Even Abercrombie admitted his BC was LOST. So Obama COULD NOT HAVE done what you said. He did produce copies. Copies that have been questioned.

        And what is “normal” is not relevant turnip! Unless you can provide evidence to back up your opinion, all you are doing is deceiving (or trying to since no one is buying your bilgewater) others with lies.

  2. nielszoo says:

    It’s like their whole public existence is some ongoing play whose script they must continually re-write so that it sounds good and plays on the public’s fear, greed, envy and other weaknesses. Lying about the big stuff leads to lying about the little stuff and that leads to lying about everything else. They fabricate everything to fit some deluded pattern of what they think the world should be. Our “news” folks are supposed to be the mechanism in society that applies the negative feedback on that behavior, but they are players on the same stage as the rest of the Prog’s. The valuable influence of a “free” press has been morphed into a positive feedback loop for the liberal echo chamber. (I include the vast majority of Republican politicians in this group as well, they are playing their parts as willing “villains” and reading from the same scripts.)

    Sites like this along with a lot of the “new media” are the only ones trying to attenuate all that positive liberal propaganda feedback, ’cause we know what happens to machines that use only positive feedback… they usually destroy themselves catastrophically.

    • DSC says:

      Great comment! You nailed it and I will send link on to friends & family. That is why I like this site. Not only does Tony post useful information, he draws comments from lots of smart people. I like reading the comments as much as Tony’s starting point.

      • nielszoo says:

        He and others like him are keeping the truth from being lost and they deserve all the support we can give them. They aren’t suckling at the government teat or financed by some Progressive money launderer.

    • inMAGICn says:

      The RINOs aren’t playing “villain”: they’re the Washington Generals, foils for the Globetrotters.

  3. TheJollyGreenMan says:

    She just wanted to sell more books! Greedy capitalistic cow!

  4. philjourdan says:

    Kind of funny – you are actually the anti-thesis of a Birther (and you look nothing like Hillary).

    And I agree with you.

  5. In case I have to spell it out for anyone, this story is not about Obama’s birthplace.

    Yes, you do, but it will not prevent the occupants of the liberal echo chamber from saying the opposite. After all, they have a script to read (as nielszoo wrote above).

  6. Hugh K says:

    Context – 2014 Liar of the Year
    Years of lapdog media hiding incompetence > My church is like any other Christian Church/I barely know Rezko/Never worked for ACORN in any capacity/Wife didn’t mean what she said about pride in country/Uncle one of first to liberate Auschwitz/My father served in WWII/I have visited all 57 states/?When a bill lands on my desk, the American people will have 5 days to review before I sign it/I’ll get rid of earmarks/Will have most transparent administration in history/No more wiretapping of citizens/Seniors making less than 50K will not have to pay taxes/keep your doctor/insurance/Libya unrest = video/southern border is secure/Obama cause for current world tranquility/line in the sand/More lies…but who has time to list them all….
    Facts?!? Bwahaha!!!

  7. R2Dtoo says:

    I really want to know what is in the sealed Columbia University documents! Did he receive funding as a foreign student? I live in Canada, but I still want to know!

    • Gail Combs says:

      ME TOO!

      Perhaps he actually flunked out but he got a ‘Pass’ due to ‘Affirmative Action’

      • smrstrauss says:

        Not likely. He did get into Harvard Law School you know, and he graduated from Harvard Law School Magna Cum Laude. (Obama did not release his school or college transcripts because neither did John McCain or Mitt Romney or previous presidents and presidential candidates).

        • Gamecock says:

          The “everybody does it” defense.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Gamecock said: “The “everybody does it” defense.”

          Answer: No, the fact that it is not traditional for presidents or presidential candidates to show their school or college records and that for that matter neither Mitt Romney nor John McCain asked Obama to show his college records. In contrast, Obama and Biden asked Romney to show more than two years of his tax returns, and Romney refused to do so.

        • philjourdan says:

          “Not likely”??? What a turnip!

          You blast Clarence Thomas with racial epithets because he DARES claim he got to where he is without AA, and now you claim that Obama never used it?

          Again, you defy credulity turnip. You contradict yourself with every statement you make. And again (as usual) no EVIDENCE.

        • Gail Combs says:

          He got into HAAAaaavard because of political pull not grades.

    • smrstrauss says:

      Re: “Did he receive funding as a foreign student? I live in Canada, but I still want to know”

      Dear Canadian friend, here is how you can find out for yourself:

      This is the telephone number of Occidental College. ((323) 259-2500)

      This is the telephone number of Columbia University ((212-854-1754)

      You can call them up and ask for the PR department and ASK—what an idea.

      If you’d like me to make it easy for you (but you really should call for yourself to check me). No, duh, he was never a foreign student. In fact the story that he was a foreign student comes from AN APRIL FOOL’S ARTICLE. (But you really should call for yourself and check.)

      Would you like to know about the SS number and the “African” on Obama’s birth certificate and the allegation that he became an Indonesian citizen and the allegation that he did not release his birth certificate or that it is forged? There are simple answers to all of them. The answer to the “It’s forged” myth is that it isn’t forged, but birthers keep on claiming it—what else would you expect them to do?

      • philjourdan says:

        The records are SEALED turnip! I do not care if you say hermetically in a mayonnaise jar on the port of Funk and Wagnals or through divine intervention of your messiah. He will not find out because Obama will not allow him to find out. turnip! And before you go off on another non-sequitur, nowhere have I said it is not his RIGHT to keep them sealed turnip!

        The Canadian is a real person. You are not. You are not his friend. Stop insulting him turnip.

    • Gamecock says:

      I have no doubt you are correct, R2Dtoo. The birther story is the exact opposite of what it appears. Barry lied about his birth to gain advantage. As Steven has said, Obama is the Original Birther.

      • smrstrauss says:

        There is absolutely no evidence that Obama lied about his birth. He said in newspaper interviews as far back as 1990 that he was born in Hawaii, and he said in his book Deams from My Father that he was born in Hawaii, and his birth certificate SHOWS that he was born in Hawaii (and that has been confirmed by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii and by the Index Data file and the birth notices and the teacher who wrote home and the INS inspector). And there isn’t a shred of evidence that he ever wrote or said that he was born in Kenya, and the story that Obama registered in college as a foreign student can be checked by calling the colleges (see the telephone numbers above) and they confirm that he did not register as a foreign student. (The story comes from an April Fool’s article in any case).

      • Gail Combs says:

        If we step back and look at the MSM.

        They have been printing nothing but propaganda for years.

        When the truth starts clawing its way out of the hole they hold meetings and decide to BAN the truth from ‘equal time in the press’ and then go even further and ban comments (another link) and ban letters to the editor.

        We have had six years of watching the press bury Obama’s mistakes. I have personally watched the press make up damaging lies out of whole cloth and spread them coast to coast on three separate occasions. John Munsell also had his story that was about to be printed in a NY mag buried on orders from on high at the last minute (AFTER editorial approval) because it would have undermined the campaign to get the public to accept the Food Safety Modernization Act.

        The critical point being buried was that the FDA had gone on record stating the US food safety system had not been updated in decades while Munsell’s Story blew that out of the water. The new HACCP regs, instituted without Congressional approval, DOUBLED the food borne illness in the USA and put people in jeopardy. Munsell had proof that the US government was NOT doing its job therefore he was silence and driven out of business for whistleblowing.

        So why in heck would anyone think we would see in print a story that did not cover-up Obama’s seventeen years of ‘born in Keyna’ ?

        If Miriam Goderich and Dystel & Goderich had come out and said Obama wrote the bio we would have never seen the fact in the news.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Lets take a look at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management:

          Oh here is an interesting goody.

          President of Dystel & Goderich Literary Management Jane Dystel
          …. she’s no stranger to having an eye for talent. She was President Barack Obama’s first literary agent in the early 1990s…..

          Dystel started her career at Random House division Bantam Books. She bounced around to a few publishing houses until becoming an agent in 1986. In 1994, she formed her own agency, which became Dystel & Goderich Literary Management in 2003….

          Jeremy Greenfield:
          For those who many not be familiar, tell me about your agency.

          Jane Dystel:
          It’s a medium-sized agency. We have 11 people and nine of us are active agents. Some of us have other jobs – like rights director, things like that. We represent all categories of books. We try to stay away from short collections — non-fiction and fiction — and we stay away from poetry. But everything else for us is something that one or the other of us will represent.

          I represented Dreams From My Father [by Barack Obama]. I was his first agent.

          JG: Before we go on, what was it like representing Barack Obama?

          JD: It was terrifically exciting to be representing somebody who was so talented in terms of his writing and who had at the time I represented him enormous potential. When I first met him, I said to him that if there was going to be a black President in our lifetime it was going to be him – and it was not the first time he had heard it….

          So it would seem Miriam Goderich WAS NOT Barack Obama’s agent, the PRESIDENT of Dystel & Goderich was and she was running a very tiny operation.

          Also Jane Dystel was small time when she repped Obama.
          “In 1994, she formed her own agency, which became Dystel & Goderich Literary Management in 2003.”
          …Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance is a memoir by Barack Obama. It was published in July 1995 as he was preparing to launch his political career in a campaign for an Illinois office,[1] five years after being elected in 1990 as the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review….” – <a href="Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance is a memoir by Barack Obama. It was published in July 1995 as he was preparing to launch his political career in a campaign for an Illinois office,[1] five years after being elected in 1990 as the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review.”>WIKI

          And she thought he could write and was ” going to be a black President” If he was running for a political office don’t you think both Obama and Dystel would have been careful about his Bio? Don’t you think someone on Obama’s campaign staff would have carefully vetted that information?

          Making sure there is NOTHING out there to come back and bite your candidate on the A$$ is a major function of a manager. If you do not KNOW what is in the public domain how can you spin it correctly?

          So Miriam Goderich making a fact checking error all of a sudden became even more remote.

          So lets look at Miriam Goderich…

          …So, it made perfect sense to me, once I found myself with a master’s degree in English and the same voracious appetite for books that I’d had when I was eight, to look in the classifieds under “Publishing” when I decided to enter the work force. One of the first ads I answered was for an agent’s assistant and – not having a very clear idea of what an agent did – I showed up in Jane Dystel’s office with my best suit on and what I hoped was a very grown-up look on my face. Jane gave me and my skimpy resume an appraising once over and offered me a job.

          A few months later, I came across a manuscript called China Boy by an unpublished lawyer named Gus Lee. I fell in love with the book and watched Jane make a great sale to Dutton and launch a talented writer’s career…

          China Boy by Gus Lee published was published in 1991. So Miriam Goderich was Jane Dystel’s fresh out of college, wet behind the ears, assistant in 1991 before Jane “formed her own agency [in 1994], which became Dystel & Goderich Literary Management in 2003.”

          More on the tangled web of Goderich and Dystel making. link and another link

          Note that the press release on May 17th, 2012 is from Political Wire run by Taegan Goddard, a client of Dystel & Goderich.

        • philjourdan says:

          The fact – or the people again. They were made an offer they could not refuse.

        • smrstrauss says:

          For Goderich to be lying about her making a mistake and for Obama to have lied, he would have had to have changed his story from the truthful “I was born in Hawaii” which he had said in newspaper interviews in 1990 to the lie “I was born in Kenya” in 1991 and then switched back to “I was born in Hawaii” in his book in 1995. And it was an easy mistake for her to make because Obama’s father, Barack Hussein Obama I, really was born in Kenya.

        • philjourdan says:

          Liar – Obama did not say that in the interview. It was not a quote or paraphrase nor was any attribution given to Obama about the statement – FROM YOUR OWN SOURCE turnip.

          So you lied again. The article proves the NY Crimes said it. That is all it proves turnip.

  8. Rosco says:

    ” It is a story about Obama and his literary agents spreading misinformation for 17 years”

    That can’t be right – Obama is much older than 17.

  9. rah says:

    Well it seems that even some of the dimmest wits are catching on.

  10. Gail Combs says:

    JD: It was terrifically exciting to be representing somebody who was so talented in terms of his writing and who had at the time I represented him enormous potential. When I first met him, I said to him that if there was going to be a black President in our lifetime it was going to be him – and it was not the first time he had heard it….

    WAIT A SECOND, this does not compute. IF Dystel though he was going to be PRESIDENT then how in Hades did she miss BORN in KENYA for so many years? Years in which that info was put out by her company?

    This wasn’t a huge operation with hundreds of people, folks, this was a tiny two or three man show that ‘grew’ to 11 people.

    OH, and in 1991, the Acton & Dystel agency listed 90 clients, Obama among its least significant so the chances that Obama, “who was so talented in terms of his writing” was not required to write or at least vet his own bio is laughable.

    A word from Tom Lipscomb

    A limp statement was squirted out yesterday after the Breitbart item appeared that a woman who worked at the time as a low level assistant at Acton and Dystel, then Obama’s agent (and is now the Goederich who is Dystel’s partner) was now taking full responsibility for making an “error.”

    As someone who has run a number of top bestseller publishers, I think this is an amazing MIRACLE.

    It is the ONLY case I have ever heard of in which an editorial assistant INVENTED a biographical detail. I have heard of typos, wrong dates, misspellings of names. But to pick a really weird country of origin like Kenya for an author?


    Who is Tom Lipscomb?

    Thomas H. Lipscomb is one of the few executives with high-level experience in both conventional broadcast and print media and the world of electronic media. He has been both a magazine publisher of consumer magazines such as The Ladies Home Journal and a CEO in book publishing, where he was responsible for bestsellers by authors as diverse as Agatha Christie, Susan Isaacs, Craig Claiborne, Jack Anderson, and William Safire. Books he has published have won literary awards such as the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Awards. His most recent publishing position was as founder and President of Times Books — The New York Times book division. He is the author of articles in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Harpers, The Nation as well as The Readers’ Digest etc., front page stories in The Chicago Sun-Times and The New York Sun….

    Some how I think I will take Tom’s word that this is a full out lie.

    • smrstrauss says:

      Re: ” IF Dystel though he was going to be PRESIDENT then how in Hades did she miss BORN in KENYA for so many years? Years in which that info was put out by her company?”

      Possibly because even SHE did not know that her mistake was online. People do make mistakes you know, and it was easy to make a mistake when Obama’s father’s name is Barack Hussein Obama I, and HE (not his son) was born in Kenya.

      Obama said in newspaper interviews in 1990 and in his book “Dreams from My Father” in 1995 that he was BORN IN HAWAII. It is loony to think that he switched from “I was born in Hawaii” (which, of course he was) in 1990 to say “I was born in Kenya” in 1991, and then switched back to “I was born in Hawaii” in 1995.

      And the publicist has admitted to making A MISTAKE.

      • Goderich did say she edited Obama’s bio herself as a lowly assistant at the agency, didn’t she?

        On a related subject, Senator Obama explained clearly to George Stephanopoulos that ex-Weatherman Bill Ayers was just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood” and as President he found there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” in the IRS political targeting.

        It’s been all cleared up. Why can’t the loony right just move on?

        • mjc says:

          Why would the ‘loony right’ even be accepted by the Move-on crowd?

          It’s not like they like them…

        • They must first repent and redeem themselves but salvation is possible even for them …

          “Climate change is a really bad reason to get divorced.” Katharine Hayhoe, a leading climate scientist, recalled the trial she and her husband Andrew, an evangelical Christian pastor, faced when they discovered they weren’t on the same page about global warming. After a number of intense discussions, mediated by shared values and beliefs, their marriage persevered. Andrew accepted the overwhelming scientific evidence, and they even went on to co-write a book for Christians on climate change.

        • philjourdan says:

          I guess that makes us the “non-looney” right as we have tried. But the turnip keeps dragging us back into her cesspool.

      • Gail Combs says:

        That sorry line does not pass the smell test.

        I am a small business owner. I do not do the writing, care and feeding of my website since I am ‘computer challenged’ but I DAM WELL read it carefully and KNOW what is on it. And yeah there is more than one of us.

        These people had just started a NEW COMPANY and were NOT vetting their own website??? A website with the feather of a IL Senator on it? A Presidential Hopeful?


        Obama was running for IL Senate and his campaign group was not vetting every thing about him on the web ESPECIALLY the stuff put out by his lit. AGENT when the book he wrote was important to his campaign? (It was about his only real accomplishment.)


        • Gail, you are getting your exercise today. Who needs Pilates when you have Goderich?

        • Gail Combs says:


          My belly hurts from laughing so much. They really must think we are mushrooms with the Bovine feces Goderich is shoveling.

          Obama was from an exotic African country when it was a useful tool in his IL senate campaign. It then got shoved under the rug when it became a political anchor.

          Goderich was tapped to take the fall instead of Dystel, Obama’s actual agent, so it would cause the least amount of damage to the company. Goderich was also picked because she has been Dystel side kick for so long.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Gil Combs claims: “Obama was from an exotic African country when it was a useful tool in his IL senate campaign. It then got shoved under the rug when it became a political anchor. ”

          There isn’t a particle of evidence to support the above claim–and lots of facts that show it is crazy. You see, Obama wrote in his first published book “Dreams from My Father” that he was born in HAWAII, and that book was published in 1995, and Obama ran for the US Senate in 2002.

          Perhaps you are thinking of STATE senate? Well, that doesn’t work either. That election was in late 1996, and “Dreams from My Father” was published in mid 1995.

          So now turning to the bio blurb that was published in 1991. For Obama to have told Goderich that he was born in Kenya or written it, he would have had to have changed his story from the newspaper interviews that he gave in 1990 that said he was born IN HAWAII to “I was born in Kenya” and then changed it again in 1995 to “I was born in Hawaii” in his book.

          And, once again, Goderich admitted to making A MISTAKE, and, once again, it was an easy mistake to make because Obama’s father’s name was Barack Hussein Obama too, and he really was born in Kenya.

        • philjourdan says:

          Gail, turnip. Learn the names moron.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “Obama was running for IL Senate and his campaign group was not vetting every thing about him on the web ESPECIALLY the stuff put out by his lit. AGENT when the book he wrote was important to his campaign? (It was about his only real accomplishment.)”

          Obama was began running for state senate in early 1996. His book “Dreams from My Father” was published in mid-1995, and it says in it that Obama was BORN IN HAWAII.

        • philjourdan says:

          IN 2010, he said if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor. In 2014, he said no you cannot.

          The question is not can he lie, we know that turnip. It was who started the story! And still the turnip does not understand that.

          What a moron. Just because you tell one story today does not mean you will tell the same story tomorrow! If you lied before, you forget your lie and you lie again!

          Evidence turnip, evidence. No one cares how many times Obama lied.

        • Gail Combs says:

          smrstrauss says:
          Gil Combs claims:

          smrstrauss, still can not spell my name correctly.

        • Gail, you don’t understand what it’s like in a cubicle in a minimum wage OFA sweatshop, arguing for the boss on multiple threads and sites. It must be a grinder.

        • philjourdan says:

          The quality of the help is sure noticeable however. I guess they get what they pay for, and women are the only takers since they pay below a living wage level.

        • Phil, do you think the Strauß can hold onto this job? I mean when the employer finds out they’ve helped Steven Goddard expose the original birther …

        • philjourdan says:

          Sadly probably yes. Liberals love failures.

      • philjourdan says:

        “Possibly” ROFL! YOU HAVE NO CLUE!

        Facts, turnip. Facts! You have none! You pretend you know the inner most thoughts of lots of people, yet do not know a single fact.

        Sorry. no facts, no case turnip. As in you still have none. Opinions are not facts. Hypothetical projections are not facts.

  11. Gail Combs says:

    OH, and why in Hades would I ever waste my time reading Obummer’s book?

    Any dates I used came straight off the internet…. You know just like Miriam Goderich confession did.

    • smrstrauss says:

      Re dates “straight off the internet.”

      Baloney. The bio blurb was written in 1991. Obama ran for State Senate in 1996.

      Obama’s father’s name was Barack Hussein Obama, just like Obama, and Obama’s father was born in Kenya. That is the source of the mistake that Goderich admits to making.

      YOU claim that she is lying, that Obama lied to her and said that he was born in Kenya. But you have not evidence that he did, and for him to do so he would have had to have changed his story from the truthful “I was born in Hawaii” in 1990 to the lie “I was born in Kenya” in 1991 and then back to the truthful “I was born in Hawaii” in his book in 1995.

      That is farfetched, to say the least, and all you have to support your claim is that the mistake was not found an corrected for many years. That is easily explained by Obama not having been told that it was put on line.

      • philjourdan says:

        More lies. The turnip wants us to believe that Obama is the only person in the world named after his father. And that Obama did not read his OWN bio for 17 years. And that some minimum wage grunt made the error in a supposedly prestigious firm. And no one noticed when everyone was vying for the “honor” of writing it.

        And what evidence does she present to make us believe this pack of lies? Nada.

  12. Gail Combs says:

    Colorado Wellington says:
    “Gail, you don’t understand what it’s like in a cubicle in a minimum wage OFA sweatshop, arguing for the boss on multiple threads and sites. It must be a grinder.”
    Colorado, what I do not understand is why anyone even bothers any more, all the independents, like me, are more disgusted with Obummer than we were with the Shrub. (And I can’t stand the Shrub)

    The horse of public approval is now way over the horizon and eating in someone else’s barn. The brain-dead Democrats will always vote D. The brain-dead Republicans will always vote R and the independents who swung the election (mainly because of a distaste for McClown) have already made up their minds about Obummer and his repeated disasters.

    From the UK:

    Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the most useless of them all? Obama rated WORST president since WW2 in embarrassing poll
    Sitting president Barack Obama was cited as the worst U.S. president out of the dozen men who have held the position dating back to 1945
    Former Hollywood actor Ronald Reagan ranked first on survey-takers’ lists, followed by philandering presidents Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy
    Americans are so chafed by Obama’s leadership that they say the country would be better off with businessman and 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney at the helm

    All the hammering on about Obama’s foot in mouth does is remind people of just how dirty politics is and how much outright lying goes on in politics and the MSM.

    I do not know about anyone else but all it does is leave a foul taste in the mouth.

    I think it was geran who mentioned too much dirty politics, too much favoritism, too much disregard for the law by the politicians, and the populus at large starts completely ignoring the laws. Once that happens you have chaos as has been seen in Latin America and in Africa.

    That chaos seems to be what Obama is pushing for with his race baiting, terrible management, deliberate contempt of the Constitution and Rule of Law. History has shown that during chaos a small well positioned group can step in, take over and establish a dictatorship. Communists use this method all the time so one can only conclude that is the real objective of Obama’s handlers.

    • The times are changing, aren’t they? I have good friends who were really excited about Obama’s election. I tried to tell them what I thought would happen but it didn’t move them. I promised to remind them about it later but I never did. They are good people and they’d be horribly embarrassed. An old buddy once got smashed and did an unfortunate thing with an inflatable rubber boat. I never told him either.

      • smrstrauss says:

        YOU, like millions of others, have the right not to like Obama (others disagree, of course). But not liking someone does not (1) make that person born in a foreign country; (2) change the meaning of Natural Born Citizen; (3) change the fact that the literary agent made a mistake about Obama’s place of birth, and admitted it, or make it the slightest bit likely that Obama changed his story from the truthful “I was born in Hawaii” he had told interviewers in 1991 to the lie “I was born in Kenya” in 1991—especially since he wrote in his first published book in 1995 that he was born in Hawaii (which in fact he was).

        • Gail Combs says:

          YOU are the one who keeps twisting the subject. The subject is the ‘fact’ Obama was born in Kenya was allowed to stand for YEARS until it became a political liability and then a drone steps up so Obama can hide behind her skirts.

        • What are you blabbering about, Strauss? Who said that not liking someone makes them born in a foreign country? Who do you argue with? Voices in your head? Should we be worried?

          And why are you shouting? “YOU”? Do the voices shout at you?

          “YOU. YOU!”

        • philjourdan says:

          I would say you just nailed her. Very insightful! 2 thumbs up.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: ” the ‘fact’ Obama was born in Kenya was allowed to stand for YEARS until it became a political liability ”

          Answer. When people do not know that mistakes have been made and that they were posted, duh, they cannot fix them. And since the publicist did not tell Obama that she was writing the bio and did not tell him that it was put online, Obama could not fix it.

        • philjourdan says:

          Answer – your opinion is as worthless as your integrity. Again, facts turnip. You have yet to present one.

          And try to be original turnip. You have nothing else.

        • philjourdan says:

          What a moron. Prove it turnip.

          Unlike you, I know the truth. We do not know. You just have a mantra that your shepherd has told you to bleat.

        • There is one more plausible explanation concerning the shepherd, Phil. The Strauß could be paid by Republicans to keep prattling for Obama’s to make his supporters look obsessed.

          They sure are doing just that.

        • philjourdan says:

          True – but where would they find someone so stupid other than in the Obama campaign office? All the others died shortly after birth.

      • philjourdan says:

        My aunt and godmother could be one of your friends. My mother does the “I told you so” dance on her all the time. I do not. I still love her and know how she is hurting.

    • philjourdan says:

      Re: Why Bother?

      Ego. As much as you dislike the shrub, he never had the ego of Obama.

  13. Gail Combs says:

    I wonder how much Strauss gets paid per comment? He is over 200 by now. Or do you think he gets paid by the word? Or is it hourly or salaried? Inquiring minds….

  14. Gail Combs says:

    Nice find Colorado!

    Jefferson’ s Rebels look like an interesting group to explore.
    I note they are looking at the “natural born Citizen”/ dual citizenship divided loyalty problem of Obummer and have a good handle on the subject. After all the plaintiff lacks standing crap from the courts *** I lost interest. Now my interest, and hopefully the interest of others who visit this site will be renewed and Jefferson’ s Rebels will get a flood of new people.

    So it would seem the smrstrauss Disinfo-agents have just shot themselves in the foot by banging on the ‘birther’ drum when that was never the topic in the first place.


    *** How in heck can ANY registered US voter ‘Lack Standing” when one of the Candidates for office maybe ineligible and after being elected is now SIGNING into law, laws we must obey?

    If Obummer is ineligible then every one of the laws he signed is INVALID.

    • Shazaam says:

      If Obummer is ineligible then every one of the laws he signed is INVALID.

      And likely scares the shorts off of any federal judge presented with a case. Thus, they take the easiest way out and just refuse to hear the case. Justice be damned.

      • Gail Combs says:

        ” Justice be damned.”

        The Motto of the US Supreme Court.

      • smrstrauss says:

        And IF there really were a tooth fairy, wouldn’t we all be surprised. The reason that he was confirmed twice UNANIMOUSLY by the US Congress and sworn in repeated by the chief justice of the USA is that he IS eligible. (But you have the right to DREAM about what would happen IF there were a tooth fairy or IF he were not eligible.) There is no tooth fairy, and he IS eligible.

        • philjourdan says:

          The reason he was sworn in is because he got the most EC votes. The question of his eligibility never was raised at the swearing in turnip.

          Another lie from the lie maker.

      • smrstrauss says:

        And IF there really were a tooth fairy, wouldn’t we all be surprised.

        Actually, the reason that he was confirmed twice UNANIMOUSLY by the US Congress and sworn in repeated by the chief justice of the USA is that he IS eligible.

        (But you have the right to DREAM about what would happen IF there were a tooth fairy or IF he were not eligible.)

        There is no tooth fairy, and he IS eligible.

    • smrstrauss says:

      At least ten appeal courts took up the birther case about Obama not being eligible, and every single one of them found that he was eligible. Here are some of the rulings:

      Ankeny v. Governor of Indiana (Indiana 2008 – Appellate Court) ruling: “Based upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are “natural born Citizens” for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.”

      Tisdale v. Obama (Virginia federal court 2012) ruling: “It is well settled that those born in the United States are considered natural born citizens.”

      Purpura v. Obama (New Jersey 2012) ruling: “No court, federal, state or administrative, has accepted the challengers’ position that Mr. Obama is not a “natural born Citizen” due to the acknowledged fact that his father was born in Kenya and was a British citizen by virtue of the then applicable British Nationality Act. Nor has the fact that Obama had, or may have had, dual citizenship at the time of his birth and thereafter been held to deny him the status of natural born. It is unnecessary to reinvent the wheel here. … The petitioners’ legal position on this issue, however well intentioned, has no merit in law. Thus, accepting for the point of this issue that Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii, he is a ‘natural born Citizen’ regardless of the status of his father.”

      Voeltz v. Obama (Florida 2012) ruling: “However, the United States Supreme Court has concluded that ‘[e]very person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, becomes at once a citizen of the United States. ‘Other courts that have considered the issue in the context of challenges to the qualifications of candidates for the office of President of the United States have come to the same conclusion.”

      Allen v. Obama (Arizona 2012) ruling: “Most importantly, Arizona courts are bound by United States Supreme Court precedent in construing the United States Constitution, Arizona v. Jay J. Garfield Bldg. Co. , 39 Ariz. 45, 54, 3 P.2d 983, 986(1931), and this precedent fully supports that President Obama is a natural born citizen under the Constitution and thus qualified to hold the office of President. … Contrary to Plaintiff’s assertion, Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874), does not hold otherwise.”

      Farrar (et al.) v. Obama (Georgia 2012) ruling: “In 2009, the Indiana Court of Appeals (“Indiana Court”) addressed facts and issues similar to those before this court. [Ankeny] v. Governor, 916 N.E.2d (Ind. Ct. App. 2009). … The Indiana Court rejected the argument that Mr. Obama was ineligible, stating that children born within the United States are natural born citizens, regardless of the citizenship of their parents. … This Court finds the decision and analysis of [Ankeny] persuasive.”

      And on October 1, 2012, the US Supreme Court turned down an appeal of the last of the rulings shown above, the Farrar case, which had ruled that “children born within the United States are natural born citizens, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.” By rejecting the appeal, the US Supreme Court allowed the ruling of the lower court to STAND.

        • rah says:

          Just a big “D”.

        • Gail Combs says:

          No not Obsessive-compulsive just a paid drone consultant or an unpaided Useful Idiot for IDC and Organizing For America (Boston Headquartered)

          What I found…. intreging is:
          IDC is a market intelligence and consulting firm. It specializes in providing market intelligence, advisory services focuses its research and consulting services on energy and utility industries

          And back we go to the energy company connections of Shell Oil, BP, Enron, General Electric, the Rockefellers, Maurice Strong and the rest of the oil/banking elite who have had their sticky fingers all over the IPCC and UN Agenda 21 (written by Shell Oil’s Ged Davis when he was a lead author for the IPCC.)

          So the smrstrauss Team provides another thread.

        • Gail Combs says:

          I should add I think the smrstrauss Team is probably unpaid Useful Idiots based on twenty years of living in the Boston Area. Boston seems to have two flavors of people.

          The sweetness and light, love thy brother type like our Communist friend David who volunteer at a place where street people were fed.

          The “We will KILL people like you (independent productive entrepreneurs) when we take over.” type similar to Stalin. (That is a direct quote from a dance partner.)

          When he [Josef Stalin] became Comrade Number One, his main goal was to consolidate power. Of course, he used Marxism-Leninism to explain this move. Tom West described Stalin’s outlook:

          Only one man, the wisest and strongest of all, can be entrusted with the task of building socialism. And this man must not flinch from inflicting mass killings, deliberate famines, and torture involving the suffering and deaths of many millions of people. The Wise Man must employ whatever means he deems necessary to root out the millions of enemies of the people so that he can lead men to perpetual peace, happiness, and total communization.

          From the book Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe

        • smrstrauss says:

          The facts are shown above.

        • Gail Combs says:

          FACTS™ are disseminated by those with money and power. History™ is written by the winners not the losers. Thus Truth is always buried by the powerful when it is ‘inconvenient’

      • philjourdan says:

        Another lie – even the quoted part shows you have no clue turnip.

        That is assuming facts not in evidence. Again, the courts never ruled on it. They dismissed it turnip.

  15. smrstrauss says:

    Re Facts being disseminated by those with money and power. That, BTW, is something that Conservatives have long insisted was a great thing (since they have money and power).

    The facts are that ten appeals courts have all found that Obama is a Natural Born Citizen. Here are some of the rulings again:

    Ankeny v. Governor of Indiana (Indiana 2008 – Appellate Court) ruling: “Based upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are “natural born Citizens” for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.”

    Tisdale v. Obama (Virginia federal court 2012) ruling: “It is well settled that those born in the United States are considered natural born citizens.”

    Purpura v. Obama (New Jersey 2012) ruling: “No court, federal, state or administrative, has accepted the challengers’ position that Mr. Obama is not a “natural born Citizen” due to the acknowledged fact that his father was born in Kenya and was a British citizen by virtue of the then applicable British Nationality Act. Nor has the fact that Obama had, or may have had, dual citizenship at the time of his birth and thereafter been held to deny him the status of natural born. It is unnecessary to reinvent the wheel here. … The petitioners’ legal position on this issue, however well intentioned, has no merit in law. Thus, accepting for the point of this issue that Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii, he is a ‘natural born Citizen’ regardless of the status of his father.”

    Voeltz v. Obama (Florida 2012) ruling: “However, the United States Supreme Court has concluded that ‘[e]very person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, becomes at once a citizen of the United States. ‘Other courts that have considered the issue in the context of challenges to the qualifications of candidates for the office of President of the United States have come to the same conclusion.”

    Allen v. Obama (Arizona 2012) ruling: “Most importantly, Arizona courts are bound by United States Supreme Court precedent in construing the United States Constitution, Arizona v. Jay J. Garfield Bldg. Co. , 39 Ariz. 45, 54, 3 P.2d 983, 986(1931), and this precedent fully supports that President Obama is a natural born citizen under the Constitution and thus qualified to hold the office of President. … Contrary to Plaintiff’s assertion, Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874), does not hold otherwise.”

    Farrar (et al.) v. Obama (Georgia 2012) ruling: “In 2009, the Indiana Court of Appeals (“Indiana Court”) addressed facts and issues similar to those before this court. [Ankeny] v. Governor, 916 N.E.2d (Ind. Ct. App. 2009). … The Indiana Court rejected the argument that Mr. Obama was ineligible, stating that children born within the United States are natural born citizens, regardless of the citizenship of their parents. … This Court finds the decision and analysis of [Ankeny] persuasive.”

    And on October 1, 2012, the US Supreme Court turned down an appeal of the last of the rulings shown above, the Farrar case, which had ruled that “children born within the United States are natural born citizens, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.” By rejecting the appeal, the US Supreme Court allowed the ruling of the lower court to STAND.

  16. Gail Combs says:

    smrstrauss says:
    Re Facts being disseminated by those with money and power. That, BTW, is something that Conservatives have long insisted was a great thing (since they have money and power).
    BAD ASSumption.

    The rich and powerful are all on the same side and control BOTH parties. This is the point the useful idiots brainwashed by the MSM and government controlled education miss completely.

    The capitalist urge is not toward a competitive market. It’s the very LAST thing any corporate CEO wants. Even Adam Smith recognized this: ~’Rairly do men of means gather, even for merryment and {discourse?} but that the conversation turns to ways to {restrict competition and raise prices}’.

    To maximize profit a CEO wants a monopoly or at least a collusion among cartel members that acts as a monopoly, where they can achieve the profit maximizing price point. They do NOT want competition of any kind least of all from streamlined start-up entrepreneurs.

    Note the Small business admin says Small patenting firms produce 13 to 14 times more patents per employee than large patenting firms. The cartels want those employees working for THEM and adding to their bottomline so they want those small businesses legislated out of business.

    Watch what GE does, as an example. It is always on the hunt for a market it can “dominate”. It uses political leverage to get its products mandated and the competition banned. (Think twisty light bulbs) It doesn’t want a market, it wants a ‘company store’.

    Watch how Monsanto pushed the legislation that banned private traditional seeds and seed sharing, and promotes GMO products. Why? So you must come to the company store…

    The EPA is used to forbid all sorts of things that can be done easily and cheaply, and where the alternative is very expensive. Heck they are now working on banning woodstoves so people have to shell out money to the ENERGY COMPANIES or freeze instead of using wood from their own wood lot.

    Once corporations figured out that it is cheaper and easier to get the competition banned and them mandated, than it is to create new products. Once they figured out that they can make lots of money as the sole provider of a crappy product but not that much making good products in a competitive market; The campaign contributions flowed to BOTH PARTIES.

    Heck Mother Jones did an article about the biggest US campaign contributor Dwayne Andreas and Archer Daniels Midland Co. and how the government laws benefit that corporation.

    Global warming is being used to push Agenda 21. What is just Agenda 21? It is the old ‘Company Town’ with a pretty new wrapping taken to the extreme. Democrat Rosa Koire <a href=""figured that one out but the useful idiots like you are much too brain washed. Of course they are just what the elite are looking for docile unquestioning serfs.

    Does smrstrauss stand for Serf M. R. Strauss? You certainly have an invisible serf’s collar around your mind.

  17. smrstrauss says:

    The facts are shown above.

    Quite right, Strauß. You are leaving a well documented troll slime trail. I kept your contributions as a textbook example of the species.


    For anyone else wondering what happens when a blog comment thread gets visited by this strange Strauß troll enterprise, and how it happens, below are a few hints (read a few comments above and below).

    It leaves the reader wondering if the Strauß are mucked up in the head or if they are a paid outfit. For whatever it’s worth, the Strauß say they don’t get paid. Who knows. The only proven fact is that they are a combative but overworked bunch. They show passable copy & paste skills, no interest in the actual writing they comment on and poor grasp of context and logic.

    On the plus side, they are very easy to mock:

    There is a related thread that reached 833 comments as of now, largely thanks to the Strauß enterprise:

  18. Gail Combs says:

    Global warming is being used to push Agenda 21. What is just Agenda 21? It is the old ‘Company Town’ with a pretty new wrapping taken to the extreme. Democrat Rosa Koire <a href=""figured that one out but the useful idiots like you are much too brain washed. Of course they are just what the elite are looking for docile unquestioning serfs.

    Gack , garbled because hubby wanted to talk physics… plus wordUnimpressed did a real number on what I actually wrote.

    That should read:

    Global warming, Obama's new Hobby Horse, is being used to push Agenda 21.

    What is Agenda 21?

    It is the old 'Company Town' with a pretty new wrapping, taken to the extreme. Democrat Rosa Koire figured that one out but the useful idiots like you are much too brain washed. Of course useful idiots like you are just what the elite are looking for — docile unquestioning serfs.

    Does smrstrauss stand for Serf M. R. Strauss?

    The Mother Jones link:

  19. I predict that sooner or later the Strauß will be back and paste another block of “proof” against something Steven Goddard never said.

    I’d put my money on it but nobody here is stupid enough to bet against it.

  20. Gail Combs says:

    Colorado Wellington says:
    “…..It leaves the reader wondering if the Strauß are mucked up in the head or if they are a paid outfit. For whatever it’s worth, the Strauß say they don’t get paid. Who knows. The only proven fact is that they are a combative but overworked bunch. They show passable copy & paste skills, no interest in the actual writing they comment on and poor grasp of context and logic.”

    One of the mystifying questions about all the manipulation and propaganda and political maneuvering by the elite is don’t they realize that a free people produce more and are more innovative than slaves?

    Or is that their big fear. That the bourgeoisie, the middle class, will out think and out class them and eventually supplant them.

    The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his ‘natural superiors,’ and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, callous ‘cash payment.’ It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervor, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom—Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation.

    The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honored and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage laborers.

    The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation.” ~ Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto

    Marx really hated barter between equals didn’t he? Heck he hated any idea of equality and only wants serfs and masters.

  21. smrstrauss says:

    None of the above shows that Obama changed his story from the truthful “I was born in Hawaii” that he told newspapers in 1990 to the alleged lie “I was born in Kenya” in 1991—AND that the literary agent, who said she made a mistake—is lying in her claim that she made a mistake.

    • philjourdan says:

      Lie #1 – “truthful “I was born in Hawaii” that he told newspapers in 1990” – We do not know the the truth. Period.
      Lie #2 – “that he told newspapers in 1990” – He did not tell the papers. It was not a quote, paraphrase or attribution.
      Lie #3 – “alleged lie “I was born in Kenya” in 1991” – We do not know it is a lie.

      3 lies in one short statement turnip. Congratulations! You are Obama now.

  22. You keep doing this, Strauß, and then you wonder why people laugh at you.

    Here we are talking about the strange cause and effect between Karl Marx’s groin carbuncle and his hatred of the bourgeoisie. Only you can go from there to your obsession with Obama’s birthplace.

    Ever heard about Rorschach’s inkblots?

    • smrstrauss says:

      Notice that Colorado Wellington no longer discusses the facts. (I wonder why not?)

      • It is clear that Barack Obama was too busy from 1991 to 2007, to write or proofread his own three sentence bio. Makes sense if you have the IQ of a turnip.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Because we changed the subject to theorizing about what makes dis-info agents and useful idiots willing to lie to promote one of the worst if not the worst president in history. Your really do need to keep up with the conversation.

        • Shazaam says:

          Likely the worst president. Ever.

          While a “D” supporter of the laughingstock-in-chief would call it racist, I’m betting Obama will be forever known as the “affirmative action president”….

          Much as I dislike his politics, I almost feel sorry for the liar-in-chief. Hie is so obviously overwhelmed and incompetent that it’s painful to watch. He is just so out of his depth. He appears to be the “Epsilon-minus” president in effectiveness. The polar opposite of a statesman. He almost should be wearing the big “chief” medallion like the president from movie Idiocracy so people might take him seriously.

          The fact that nothing is his fault is laughable. He has nothing he stands for, and the blame is always shifted to someone else. The fact that he takes no responsibility for any mistake or failure says much about Obama’s character.

          You can tell Obama’s wrapped in a cocoon of advisers and has absolutely no concept that there might be any negative consequences for following the lead of any of his pack of czars. Nor does he appear to question their advice. He is a true academic, if they have a pedigree (PhD), they must know what they are talking about.

          He’d be a thousand percent better if he spent one hour a week listening to and trying to understand the point of view of a critic. Won’t ever happen. The campaign contributors have to recoup their “investment”….. And listening to contrary views just might cause the idiot-in-chief to think….. Instead he gets nothing what people think he wants to hear from his pack of washington yes-men.

          Besides, his ego will not allow any critic to have a valid point. His ego is really going to suffer as the history of the most corrupt administration ever is written.

          The Obama administration would be a riot to watch and read about if they were running North Korea. Then I could enjoy the corruption, lying and blaming others immensely.

          However it’s happening here in Mordor-on-the-Potomac and that makes it not so funny.

        • philjourdan says:

          I call them Quota kids. It is unfair to the talented members to be stigmatized by the perception that they could not succeed on their own merits, but required special rules to attain what everyone else attains through mental capacity and hard work. But then life is not fair. The most affected victims are the non-quota kids that are minorities.

          Given a blind choice of doctors between a WASP and a minority (Asian excepted), I will pick the WASP. I KNOW they were not given a free ride. I do not know that about the minority.

          And we KNOW that Obama was given a free ride. In an equal world, he would still be cleaning bathroom stalls at the local high school. For his brother George in Kenya.

      • Strauß wonder: Who Rorschach and why no like Obama? Why inkblot shout no believe Obama?

      • philjourdan says:

        Notice that the turnip never discussed the facts. No one wonders why.

  23. Gail Combs says:

    One ‘Tell’ is the Strauß Team keeps using the word “publicist” for an Assistant to a Literary agent. This says more about the Strauß Team than it says about Miriam Goderich.

    Here is how Media Careers defines the two DIFFERENT occupations:

    Definition: Literary agent

    Literary agents represent writers and negotiate the writer’s contract with a publishing house. (Writers almost always need a literary agent in order to land a book deal with an established publisher, just as actors need agents to get jobs in movies and on TV.)

    Literary agents handle contract negotiations for their authors and take a percentage of the advance the author receives.

    Essentially literary agents act as an author’s representative (and champion) in the book publishing world. A literary agent helps an author get his book published by submitting the author’s manuscript to editors, editors that the agent likely has a standing relationship with.

    A literary agent also helps an author navigate his longterm career.

    Definition: Publicist

    Publicists are hired to get press coverage for their clients. What does this mean? Publicists are the media world’s version of cheerleaders, to an extent. Their job is to get journalists to write about their client, whoever it might be.

    Press Releases: A Publicist’s Pom Poms

    How do publicists get the press to write about their clients? They issue press releases. Most people have come across a press release at some time and these general announcements are sent out en masse to the press to alert them of news and, hopefully, generate stories. Publicists usually write these press releases and, to get a sense of what a press release is like, check out Google’s archive of press releases. These press releases, as you might assume, make announcements about new initiatives and business developments the company is involved in.

    Beyond press releases, which are generalized announcements, publicists also cultivate relationships with journalists in order to place stories with them. Good publicists understand the inner-workings of the media so they can recognize the stories that certain journalists want to write about. Certain stories are obvious and don’t require much in the way of publicity: If you’re a publicist who works for Ford and GM buys Ford, there’s no need to generate press interest in that story, since it’s major news in and of itself and journalists will be all over it.

    If you’re a publicist who works at Random House, however, and you’re trying to promote a book, you may need to hand-deliver possible stories about the book to journalists. To do so, you need to understand what kinds of publications might be interested in certain stories. Is there something interesting about the author that might make for a good story? You need to think about the book’s subject matter. If it’s a debut novel about a family in crisis, stories about it might work better in women’s magazines. If the book’s about running, and you’re trying to publicize it, you should be talking to the editors at Runner’s World. And so on, and so forth.

    A literary agent is NOT A PUBLICIST!

    • smrstrauss says:

      Okay, so it was a literary agent who made the mistake and not a publicist. The fact remains that it was a mistake. She said she made the mistake. She said that Obama did not tell her that he was born in Kenya. And he didn’t. So the literary agent made the mistake. She was a literary agent, not a publicist—but she still made the mistake. Obama did not write or say that he was born in Kenya. SHE did. (And it was an easy mistake to make since Obama’s father, Barack Hussein Obama I, was born in Kenya. Obama himself, Barack Hussein Obama II, was born in Hawaii, as his birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials in Hawaii and the birth notices and the index data files all show.

      She made the mistake, as she has admitted. And regardless of whether she was a literary agent or a publicist, it was a MISTAKE.

    • philjourdan says:

      That’s OK Gail, Strauß turnip has convinced me that Obama is not an American either. No birther could ever have done that.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Yeah, the Strauß Team™ Doth protest too much and thereby pushes the neutral folks into thinking Obummer really is hiding something in regards to his birth and qualifications to be president. After all why the heck is a minor skeptic site that is not concerned about Obummers birth cert spammed with well over 200 comments THAT ARE OFF TOPIC!

        • smrstrauss says:

          NONE of that shows that there is anything whatever wrong with Obama’s birth certificate. My whim to post on this site is certainly not an indication that there is anything wrong with it. YOUR claim that my posting here shows something about Obama’s birth and his qualifications simply shows your motives.

          Obama has shown both his Hawaii short-form BC (the Certification of Live Birth, COLB, which is the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii, used by thousands of people to get their US passports every year, and, BTW, he showed it way back in June 2008, five months before the election), and he has shown his long form Hawaii BC.

          And the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed that they sent them to him, and that all the facts, repeat ALL the facts, are exactly the same, repeat, EXACTLY the same, as what they sent to him. The fact that Hawaii issued a birth certificate for Obama in 1961 (when Hawaii was not allowed by its law to issue birth certificates to children born outside of Hawaii) is also confirmed by the public Index Data file and the birth notice in the “Health Bureau Statistics” section of the newspapers (which ONLY the DOH could send birth notices to) and by the INS inspector who checked on Obama’s father’s status and wrote: “one child, born in Honolulu”—and by the Hawaii teacher who wrote home about Stanley having a baby.

          And there is no indication whatever that Obama’s mother even had a passport in 1961, and very very few 18-year-olds did at the time and EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad in the last few months of pregnancy. Yet birthers hope a few GULLIBLE people will just assume that both of those happened and that Obama’s birth certificate is forged and the officials of both parties are lying and the Index Data and the birth notices are forged and the INS inspector made an error in his “one child, born in Honolulu” note and the teacher who wrote home was lying. But you’d have to be terribly GULLIBLE to think that all of that happened.

  24. Shazaam says:

    Just a little mistake.

    A little mistake like the Nobel peace prize president “droning” anyone he deems a threat…..


    For someone who just “hates stupid lies” you are as two-faced as any socialist……

    • Gail Combs says:

      Shazaam, two faced and LIAR are the definiting characteristics of a socialist. Socialism is the sheepskin hiding the Wolf of Tyranny so the duped masses do not understand just what an evil master they have invited into their country. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot …. Dr. R.J. Rummel wrote about DEMOCIDE: DEATH BY GOVERNMENT The 169,202,000 Murdered by their governments in the ‘Modern’ 20th century.

      61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State
      35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill
      2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State
      1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State
      1,585,000 Murdered: Poland’s Ethnic Cleansing
      1,072,000 Murdered: Tito’s Slaughterhouse
      1,663,000 Murdered? Orwellian North Korea

      …Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5′, then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century….

      After eight-years and almost daily reading and recording of men, women, and children by the tens of millions being tortured or beaten to death, hung, shot, and buried alive, burned or starved to death, stabbed or chopped into pieces, and murdered in all the other ways creative and imaginative human beings can devise, I have never been so happy to conclude a project. I have not found it easy to read time and time again about the horrors innocent people have been forced to suffer. What has kept me at this was the belief, as preliminary research seemed to suggest, that there was a positive solution to all this killing and a clear course of political action and policy to end it. And the results verify this. The problem is Power. The solution is democracy. The course of action is to foster freedom. ~ Dr. R.J. Rummel

      THAT IS THE TRUE FACE OF SOCIALISM The face that is being hidden within all the lies.

      • philjourdan says:

        I know what I am talking about when I am talking about the revolutions. The people who read the books go to the people who can’t read the books, the poor people, and say, “We have to have a change.” So, the poor people make the change, ah? And then, the people who read the books, they all sit around the big polished tables, and they talk and talk and talk and eat and eat and eat, eh? But what has happened to the poor people? They’re dead! That’s your revolution. Shhh… So, please, don’t tell me about revolutions! And what happens afterwards? The same fucking thing starts all over again!

        – Juan Miranda

        Truer words were never spoken.

    • smrstrauss says:

      People do make mistakes you know, and in this case the person involved has admitted to doing it. YOU claim that she did not make a mistake and is therefore lying when she said that she did make a mistake—but you have no evidence of that other than the fact that the mistake was not caught for years and years. Well, that happens normally. Very often mistakes are not caught for years and years. In any case, she admitted to making a mistake—and it was an easy mistake to make because Obama’s father Barack Hussein Obama I, really was born in Kenya.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re Socialism.

        None of that posting shows that the literary agent was lying when she admitted to making a mistake about Obama’s place of birth or that Obama was born in a foreign country.

  25. Gail Combs says:

    Well at least the Strauß Team™ is doing great things for the blogs Alexa Rank even if the Strauß Team™ hasn’t figured out that a person saying something is NOT A FACT.

    I would suggest the Strauß Team™ go spend several weeks in a court house listening to a judge toss out the he said she said cases but I doubt even that type of in your face evidence that no one takes the word of known liars at face value would work.

    What do literary agents and publicists do? They Market. They SPIN. and THEY LIE if needed and they do it so well that that is how they make their living.

    • philjourdan says:

      The law of unintended consequences. he is promoting that which he is being paid to debunk.

    • smrstrauss says:

      None of the above posting shows that the literary agent was lying when she admitted to making a mistake about Obama’s place of birth or that Obama was born in a foreign country.

      • philjourdan says:

        And you presented nothing saying she did not lie turnip.

        • smrstrauss says:

          The burden of proof is on the one who CLAIMS that another person is lying. YOU have to show two things (1) that the literary agent is lying when she said that she made a mistake; AND (2) that Obama lied and told her that he was born in Kenya when he said in 1990, a year before, that he was born IN HAWAII, and he said in 1995 in his book that he was born IN HAWAII.

          It is your claim that he switched from “I was born in Hawaii” in 1990 to the lie “I was born in Kenya” in 1991 and then back to “I was born in Hawaii” in his book AND that the literary agent lied when she said she made a mistake.

          Well, there’s no evidence that she was lying (and it was an easy mistake to make since Obama’s father, Barack Hussein Obama I, really was born in Kenya). And there is no evidence that Obama switched from “I was born in Hawaii” in 1990 to “I was born in Kenya” in 1991—and that switch in stories is hardly likely.

          However, the burden of proof is on you to prove both that (1) that the literary agent is lying when she said that she made a mistake; AND (2) that Obama lied and told her that he was born in Kenya when he said in 1990, a year before, that he was born IN HAWAII, and he said in 1995 in his book that he was born IN HAWAII.

          And you have not provided any proof whatever so far.

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