Monthly Archives: August 2014

Changes in Extreme Drought Over The Past 80 years

Eighty years ago, about half of the US was in extreme drought. Now, less than 10%. The southwest is expecting a deluge of rain this week.

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Fantastic Editorial By Sarah Palin

Make sure and read the whole thing. Palin explains exactly what is going on with the criminals known as the “Democratic Party” This ridiculous politically motivated “indictment” of Governor Rick Perry stems from the ugly thug tactics of the “politics … Continue reading

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July 6, 1936

On July 6, 1936 maximum temperatures in the Dakotas averaged a mind boggling 110 degrees. A day earlier Gann Valley, SD had hit 120 degrees.

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NOAA Climate Extremes Fraud – Worse Than It Seems

NOAA claims that 2012 had the largest area of hot temperatures on record in the US, by a wide margin. High and Low Temperatures | Climate Change | US EPA 2012 wasn’t even close. 1936 and 1934 both had much more … Continue reading

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Learning To Think Like A Progressive

So far this year more than 100 black people have been murdered by other blacks – just in Chicago alone. If you are a white progressive, you don’t talk about that – because it doesn’t give you an opportunity to … Continue reading

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Before I Was A Planet Destroyer, I Was An “Ecologist”

Before I became an evil big tobacco planet destroying climate skeptic, I was one of the “ecologists” testifying in favor of the Escalante Wilderness in 1972. Roads are a problem for wilderness areas, but the wilderness areas where I worked … Continue reading

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The Midwest Wasn’t Always Cool

We have gotten used to a very cool, wet Midwestern US – but it wasn’t always like that. Eighty years ago there was blistering heat, and a drought which wrecked almost the entire corn crop.

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Made Some New Friends

The family of Whitetails across the street has finally gotten used to me and the dogs, and no longer put their tails up or run away. Some days they let us walk within about 20 feet of them. I dread … Continue reading

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Smoking Gun Of Extreme Climate Fraud At NOAA

According to this EPA document, only 50% of the US was unusually hot in 1936, and 60% of the US was hot in 2012. High and Low Temperatures | Climate Change | US EPA This document was derived from NOAA’s … Continue reading

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Progressive Spokesman Explains Their Strategy

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