Monthly Archives: August 2014

Maryland Summer Nights Second Coldest On Record This Year

Nights have been cold here in Maryland this summer, the second coldest on record going back to 1895. I have been waiting for it to warm up in the mornings before I take the dogs out, with low temperatures near … Continue reading

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Massive Increase In Arctic Ice Over The Past Two Years

Green shows gain since August 15, 2012. Red shows loss.

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August 15 Arctic Sea Ice Area Highest Since 2006

Arctic sea ice area on August 15 was just below 2006, and within one standard deviation of the 1979-2014 mean. Up 51% since 2012.

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August 14 Global Sea Ice Area 8th Highest On Record

The area of sea ice on Earth on August 14 was 8th highest on record, and the highest in 14 years.

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Democrats Demonstrate Again That Their Intent Is To Destroy The Country

Texas Governor Rick Perry was indicted by the usual band of Austin criminals, for threatening to use a veto. The Democratic scum in Austin have a long history of abusing the legal system to target political opponents, along the same … Continue reading

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National Geographic Says The Arctic Will Be Ice-Free By 2012

 Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?

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NASA Has More Than Doubled Hockey Stick Warming Since 1999

We are all familiar with this NASA graph, which forms the basis of the hockey stick. It shows about 1.2C warming from 1880 to 1998. Fig.A.gif (656×446) But their graphs didn’t always look like this. In 1999 they showed no … Continue reading

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Only Team To Score This Season In The English Premier League, Isn’t From England

The only goal so far this season was scored by a Korean, who was raised in Australia and plays in Wales. And Rooney’s hair transplant is falling out.

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Onwards And Upwards With GISS Data Tampering

The graph below shows alterations to the GISS global surface temperature record, just since July 2012.……..Fig.A.txt

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Vote For Canada’s Top Broadcaster

Ezra is blowing away the competition, capturing almost as many votes as everyone else combined. You can cast your vote here : Who’s the biggest name in Canadian broadcasting? – The Globe and Mail Here is a great piece Ezra did … Continue reading

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