Monthly Archives: August 2014

Putting Things In Perspective

Americans are about 100 times more likely to be killed by a car, than by a bullet from a rifle. Americans are about 5,000 times more likely to be injured by a car, than by a bullet from a rifle. … Continue reading

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No Hesitation : Ohio Police Murder Wal-Mart Shopper

  Surveillance video from an Ohio Walmart shows that a man fatally shot by police earlier this month had his back to officers and was talking on a cell phone, an attorney for the man’s family says.  John Crawford III … Continue reading

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Massive Reduction In US Drought Over The Past 80 Years

Eighty years ago, nearly 80% of the US was experiencing drought. Now that number is less than 15%.

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Evil Denier Vs. Climate Hero

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Understanding Karma

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General Warrants

On Thursday night, I drove to the gas station and was listening to a show on C-SPAN radio about NSA data gathering phone metadata. A lawyer (not sure who she was) said that it was illegal, and cited that the American Revolution was largely … Continue reading

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More Evidence That Time Began In 1979

Climate scientists love 1979, and normally begin their graphs there – because it was the coldest winter in US history and had peak Arctic sea sea ice. I am often accused of cherry-picking for including data prior to 1979.

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Frequency Of 40ºC Days Plummeting Over The Past Century

Before 1960, afternoons over 40ºC (104ºF) were fairly common in the US, but they rarely happen any more.

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Young Dreamer Update

President Barack Obama says that he has terrorists “on the run.” What he didn’t say was that the ISIS young dreamers were running towards our open southern border. Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) (AFP) – King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has warned that … Continue reading

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Arctic Sea Ice Area Up 54% From 2012 – Up 5% From 2013

Arctic sea ice area is just below the 2006 minimum, 5% ahead of last year, and 54% ahead of 2012. My forecast is for little change over the next week.

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