Monthly Archives: August 2014

More Detail On The Arctic Catastrophe

Over the past two years there has been a large increase in 1.5+ meter thick ice in the Arctic, and the thick ice has shifted nearly 1,000 miles to the west – making it safe from winter winds pushing it … Continue reading

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US Temperatures Being Adjusted Upwards At 3.6 Degrees Per Century

The US has been cooling for the past century. This doesn’t fit the global warming narrative, so NOAA is applying a spectacular hockey stick of adjustments to turn a cooling trend into a warming trend. Since 1997, they are trying … Continue reading

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75% Of The US Below Normal Temperature Over The Past 11 Months

Temperatures have been below normal in 75% the US since October 1, 2013, with the average departure being -1.29 degrees. But it is worse than it seems. Most of the 25% percent above normal has been barely above normal, while … Continue reading

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North Carolina Obliterating All August Cold Records

Some years, 70% of North Carolina August temperatures are over 90 degrees. This year it is only 3%.

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Presidents Always Believe That They Are Lying For Good Reasons

Fifty years since Johnson’s big lie began the rapid downfall of America.

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Missed It By That Much

Al Gore predicted an ice free Arctic in 2014. He was close, and it appears that he will only miss by a little more than the area  of Antarctica

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Hansen’s Dice Crap Out Of The Game

On a hot day in 1988, Hansen told this to the US Congress His Bold Statement Transforms the Debate On Greenhouse Effect By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD Published: August 23, 1988 He held up one die representing the climate for the period … Continue reading

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Three Degrees Of NCDC Data Tampering in Maryland

NCDC has turned Maryland’s sixth coldest January-July into the 36th coldest, through a spectacular hockey stick of adjustments. The measured data before tampering looks like this  – sixth coldest since 1895.   The graph below shows how they accomplished this feat, by … Continue reading

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At This Point, What Difference Does It Make?

Hillary Clinton is now trying to distance herself from the disastrous presidency of Barack Obama – which she was a key enabler of. She is hoping to make herself more popular by piling disloyalty on top of dishonesty and incompetence … Continue reading

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There Are Consequences For Electing Morons

Six months ago, the Secretary of State announced that 0.0001 mole fraction Mann-made CO2 was the greatest threat, ever. Secretary of State John Kerry called on all nations to respond to “the greatest challenge of our generation.” Kerry, speaking before college … Continue reading

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