Monthly Archives: August 2014

Leading Climate Alarmist Compares Humans To Maggots


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Five Years After The Last Multi-Year Ice Disappeared …

It has been five years since Canada’s leading ice expert announced that multi-year ice is a thing of the past. The multiyear ice covering the Arctic Ocean has effectively vanished, a startling development that will make it easier to open … Continue reading

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No Change In Arctic Sea Ice Extent Again Today

For the second day in a row, there was essentially no change in Arctic sea ice extent over the past 24 hours. Green shows gain, red shows loss.

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Understanding The Progressive Press

Christians are being exterminated from Islamic countries in the Middle East, and the press has no interest in it. Hamas uses children for human shields, and the press blames it on Israel. These people have been trained to self-destruct. “We have 50 … Continue reading

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Hot Off The White House Press …

President Obama can stop fires, if you agree to give up your energy security and freedom! No mention that this is the quietest fire season in decades. National Interagency Fire Center Half of the country voted for this genius.

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My ICCC Slides

I didn’t get through my whole ICCC presentation because I ran out of time, but here is the complete presentation. I plan to do a video slide show too at some point. TonyHellerICCC2014

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Mark’s Nature Trick (Part 2)

Mark Serreze calls me “breathtakingly ignorant.” The red circle shows the year when NSIDC starts their Arctic sea ice graphs. The mother of all cherry picks.

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The Nightmare For Arctic Alarmists Is Just Beginning

The last two years have been a real Arctic nightmare for greens who hate the human race, but it gets much worse. There has been a massive increase in the amount of oldest and thickest sea ice in the Arctic over the … Continue reading

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Something Is Not Rotten In Denmark

If you want accurate information about the Arctic, go to the Danish Meteorological Agency. They show that the vast majority of Greenland has gained ice over the past year Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI

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No Change In Arctic Sea Ice Extent Yesterday

The map below shows changes in Arctic sea ice extent yesterday. Red is decrease, green is increase. There was essentially no change yesterday. The next map shows changes over the past week.   This one shows the huge increase in … Continue reading

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